Category: Recent

Sept. 30, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

It's FOSS: Zen – удобный браузер с уникальным дизайном

Краткий обзор браузера Zen. Он основан на Firefox, но отличается от него уникальным взглядом на построение интерфейса. Ничего лишнего: только адресная строка, боковая панель и пара уникальных фишек, которые мало где…

By Alex Semёnov

September 30

Luke 12:8 Jesus said, “I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges Me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.” Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before others, so that they may see…

By theophan

Scan dokument med iPhone i IOS 18.0

I version 18.0 af IOS er der sket en ændring for så vidt angår benyttelse af iPhone til at scanne et dokument. …

By nesega

ØZI × 9m88 ØZI × 9m88 -【BLEU】2024/09/27 ØZI - 【BLACK OUT】 feat. 9m882018/07/05…

By duna0323

Another Day, Another Delivery

What did we do before Amazon? We wasted hours and hours going to different stores to buy things. And that was if they had what we were looking for.…

By robrose

Close, oh so Close.

We are close to deciding if we will be saving democracy or if we let Trump become president, again. I believe the people of the United States understand this and will vote to save democracy, our freedoms and rights…

By letustalklive

Windows Driver Kit (WDK)

For Windows 7 32bit The Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Version 7.1.0 is an update to the WDK 7.0.0 release and contains the tools, code samples, documentation, compilers, headers and libraries with which software developers…

By disu1950

The LIGHT of GOD's Spirit and words ... ( CLIP )

By The Voice in The Wind.


若い頃、私はいくつかのコミックを描きました。それは、とても悲しい物語を、ふざけた、そしてユーモアたっぷりのスタイルで描いたものでした。私は悲劇に楽しい表面をかぶせようとしていました。しかし描いている最中、これは自分自身への予感として描いているのではないかという不吉な感じがしていました。 後に、そのコミックの中の出来事がすべて現実に起こりました。…

By raimondo

Shocking ! Shocking ! Endtime/Apocalypse ... FACTS/REALITY NOW ! [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""]…

By The Voice in The Wind.

History of the Earth for Visual Dictionary 

Stone Age Other Stone Age Weapon and Items…

By oldfreebie