Category: Technology
Happy Belated Rosa Parks Shade, girls!!!! Do feminism! Do gender equality!
Hey everyone. So like a rather sombre post happening here -- but a really important one, so please read what I have to say, OK!?…
The Grey Rhino of Global Warming
Rising Sea Levels and the Threat to Japan’s Nuclear Plants…
Launchy |⚡
Launchy | Another Useful Portable App. A crossplatform Launcher.The search locations and file types can be customized as well as the index time interval.Much more useful and lightweight than the Windows default for my…
By Zalex108
talking about jpegxl and why we need it
well, what is jpegxl (jxl)? in short, it's an image format... another one? yes! and we need it!…
CoreTemp | 🌡
Simple, Portable & Powerful CPU Info Related with AutoPower Options software 👇Another program which can be used aside to check the benefits of AutoPower OptionsThis is CoreTempIt gives CPU information and also shows…
By Zalex108
I miei hobby
Andare in mountain bike non è un hobby! Essendo cresciuto sportivamente fin da piccolo e avendo proseguito anche professionalmente nel mondo dello sport, per me un hobby è quando stacco la spina e mi rilasso. Pensa che…
By Quasisale
Appeler cela "intelligence" est une imposture
C'est une imposture sans nom que d'oser appeler "intelligence" ce qui n'est que de l'automatisation, de la programmation, de la robotisation. Malgré leurs lacunes et défauts, Amnesty International soulève, justement,…
By pabb
How to Fight Back When It Feels Futile
Introduction- Many, if not most people were shocked at recent events. The rise to power of people who would have been unthinkable a few short years ago now seems to be accelerating. It's normal to feel overwhelmed, but…
By publicwolf
The Gray Rhino Strikes:Our Millennia-Long Responsibility
If a caldera eruption were to occur in proximity to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the consequences would be nothing short of catastrophic. The volcanic ash would not merely fall upon the surrounding regions…
Neglecting this issue is not an option.
The Reality of Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning – Is This Merely Japan’s Concern?The decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is projected to take 30 to 40 years. This process entails the removal of…
Things you should know
The management of Plutonium-239 (Pu-239) at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant necessitates long-term safety measures, given that its half-life is approximately 24,000 years. It is generally understood that…
Hvad er Bluesky
Bluesky er et socialt medie, der blev grundlagt i 2019 af Jack Dorsey, som også er medstifter af Twitter. Platformen er bygget på en decentraliseret teknologi, der giver brugerne større kontrol over deres data og…
By nesega