Category: Travel

Nikki de Boer and me had a lesbian relationship.

So I remembered I had a relationship with the actress Nicole de Boer (she starred in Deep Space Nine, and The Dead Zone!) Like the reason I'm writing about this on my blog is because I need to remember my own life, and…

By victoriareign

O projekcie "Moje Mazowsze"

Projekt „Moje Mazowsze” to projekt fotograficzny oraz genealogiczno – historyczny dotyczący obszaru Mazowsza ( Warszawy i okolic, powiatów pułtuskiego, ciechanowskiego, płońskiego, otwockiego oraz dawnego woj.…

By mazovia

Having Fun Exploring with Cartography

An old town map discovered on a mapping survey I do a lot of mapping for the Open Street Map. I do it for many reasons. I despise big tech companies and want to give them the middle finger. I believe that the data that…

By lonm


Nyíregyháza (Mestecănești in Romanian) is the 7th largest city of Hungary and the capital of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. It lies in the north-eastern part of Hungary and its surrounding county is the other half…

By Cezar

Oradea, revisited

It's been some time since I last visited Oradea and things have improved a bit. New constructions, new passageways. Here is Podul Intelectualilor (built in 1974), which was unavailable for photography last year and…

By Cezar

Oradea Railway Station

The Oradea (Nagyvárad) railway station is, along the one in Arad, one of the 2 main western train stations of Romania. It was built in 1857 following the initiative of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria. The present…

By Cezar

Satu Mare Railway Station

The Satu Mare (Szatmárnémeti) railway station is the most north-western main railway station of Romania, gateway to both Hungary and Ukraine from the perspective of travelling by train. The current station was built in…

By Cezar


Debrecen (Debrezin in German, Debrețin in Romanian) is Hungary's second largest city and the seat of Hajdú-Bihar County. It was the largest Hungarian city in the 18th century, former capital of Hungary (in 1849 and then…

By Cezar

Lendvay Márton's Statue

The Monument of Lendvay Márton in Queen Maria Municipal Park of Baia Mare has been created by the sculptor Verő László in the year 1900 and had a turbulent history, being vandalized (1922) and moved several times in the…

By Cezar

La légendaire Renault 5 fait son retour avec une motorisation électrique et l'intégration du navigateur Vivaldi

La nouvelle voiture électrique de Renault, la fameuse R5 est le dernier véhicule dans lequel on pourra trouver Vivaldi préinstallé. Précédemment, nous avions pu faire savoir que les Renault Megane E-Tech Electrique…

By ra-mon

The Miner's Statue

The Miner's Statue (Statuia Minerului) from Baia Mare, by the sculptor Vida Géza. Behind the statue is the ruin of what used to be Remin, the administrative palace of the local mines.…

By Cezar