Category: Design
Riconosciuto Grafico del Web
Arrivato ora a sancire le mie passioni grafiche online... Fanno sempre piacere queste gratuità. In ogni caso, sì, con Canva ho fatto veramente un sacco di cose. Design per le masse, si direbbe. Ancora una volta ho…
By palmbeach
Hi! I’m Fedor Streltsov, a Russian icon painter living in Serbia. My friends call me Teo.…
By stoptachyon
My logos throughout the years
You know how my logo looks like now, right? It's this right here. I know, it's very beautiful!…
By Andrecon
Appunti da una Sessione Creativa
La parola di oggi è superdraft. Il neologismo allude all'idea di una bozza perpetua, o meglio di un laboratorio di testi occulti che vengono elaborati in tempi protratti, per poi essere pubblicati tutti in una volta.…
By palmbeach
How Slovak miners may have invented the wheel
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but the wheel is her most famous child. On its own the wheel is pretty useless, but the system of wheel and axle turned out a pre-historical technological revolution. But when,…
By jaxroam
I still looked away at all the icky scenes. I'm still lesbian!!!!! Bwahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Like hey, friends!!!! Tiny little celebrity girl amazing, internationally recognized actress and singer: that's me, Maiara Walsh -- typing up yet another fantabulous blog post for all my fans (The AdMaiaras) and for,…
Melbourne's car-brained urban planning in the '60s and '70s
Q: We have this train station called Huntingdale in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne. It's served by both the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines. What should we build next to it?…
By AJ Sadauskas
Mastodon Linear Collage
Se ci pensiamo, un post può essere una sequenza di ritagli. Io, per esempio, scrivo e disegno molte cose che in forma del tutto frammentaria deposito nel mio Mastodon. Una sketchnote, per esempio...…
By palmbeach
Diario 27 Settembre 2024
Colazione con latte d'avena, quattro barrette d'avena e cioccolato fondente, caffè. Trascrivo fedelmente alcune considerazioni legate a un sogno. Ho pensato a questo: le cose affiorano quando escludiamo la distrazione…
By palmbeach
A Journey from Windows to Linux: Making Live Wallpaper Engine Work on Hyprland
As someone who recently made the leap from Windows to Linux, I've been on an exciting yet challenging journey of exploring what this new environment has to offer. Having been accustomed to the polished and user-friendly…
By cheun
Book Review of The Architecture of Humanism: A History of Taste by Geoffrey Scott
Geoffrey Scott's The Architecture of Humanism offers a compelling critique of modernist architecture by exploring the philosophical underpinnings of architectural aesthetics. First published in the second decade of the…
By oenggun