Category: Movies & TV
New better version of MPV for Android
mpvKt logo Hello this is just short post of an app I found on F-droid. It's mpv fork with better UI. Much more modern design.…
By ilija05
Basil e Dintorni
Ho ripreso a guardare vecchi film degli anni che vanno dai Quaranta ai Settanta, sia esteri che italiani, grazie alla sempre aurea intercessione di Youtube. Ritrovo in queste produzioni una ritmica radicalmente diversa…
By palmbeach
Nie tylko audio
@echo off @chcp 1250 echo Pobierze i zapisze w "dzisiejszym folderze" w Video set licznik=10 set /p choice=Adres? %USERPROFILE%.smplayeryt-dlp.exe --restrict-filenames --trim-filenames %licznik% -f bestvideo+bestaudio…
By ryszard
do planejamento ao do que não casa
Sábado, eu e Wuni fizemos um piquenique. A premissa foi legal, afinal, compramos comida, organizamos as coisas e levamos nossos livros. Wuni está lendo o livro do Yair Alon sobre almas gêmeas (já li, e se o ler, pode…
By Rai
mais um filme para a conta
Demorei um século para escolher um filme no catálogo de streaming, isso por ser verdade o que se diz, quanto mais opções, mais complicado é para se escolher. Em todo caso, escolhi um filme de 1996 (típico meu), chamado…
By Rai
To homo sapiens: You need to stop doing these things. PLEASE READ. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. I want to be able to be like constructive or something, and you are making it like impossible to do that... which is really really bad for everyone!
So like hey everyone!!!! Maiara here. I seriously don't wanna waste my time wishing for "good cops" to be, like, my noble rescuers or something. I considered not bothering at all to mention the covert smart TV situation…
My Feminism (Also, if you're British -- unlike me, since I'm here illegally and I don't want to be British -- DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN THE JULY 4TH ELECTION)
I hope you like my picture (more about that below!) So like regarding the title of this blog post though: It's totally OK to be yelling about us all choosing to VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN ALL ELECTIONS!!!! :) Do you know how…