Category: Miscellaneous


花生 Peanut…

By silkway

Accipiter nisus

雀鹰 Sparrowhawk…

By silkway

Восточный парк-15 июля, 2024

东公园---2024年7月15日 East park---July 15th, 2024…

By silkway

Freewallet org is not free!

Freewallet org is known for scamming clients. Under the pretext of identification, scammers simply block and steal clients’ money. Hundreds of users have already lost their savings. But at the same time, the project…

By banq

Reasons why I love Vivaldi browser

On Android version you can have tab switcher like it is on desktop browsers. …

By ilija05


about OPEN DESIGN | there is no single format, business model, system, or organizational model for 'Open Design'....…

By am4ideahu

First Post

Been a fan of the Vivaldi browser for some time but new explored some of their features. Lets see what the blog looks like!…

By lundholmj

Music -Clip : The Way to Heaven...

CLIP created by GOD's grace by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.EU.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Find me on another site!

While I use this site often, I have another website/blog that I post quite regularly about different and amazing topcis, ranging from computer science to mathematics. Find me here:…

By kutay

Творчество и Атмак

创新精神 & 馕…

By atmak

Атмак - Байду Вики

馕---百度百科 “馕”(拼音:náng),源于波斯语,意为“面包”。维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜、塔吉克、乌兹别克、塔塔尔等族民间传统主食。流行于新疆等地 。馕外皮为金黄色,以面粉为主要原料,多为发酵的面,但不放碱而放少许盐。…

By atmak