Category: Browser

Opera Presto was the greatest

In our times, the ramblings of the minimalists are of being overwhelmed by a less of an Emacs-like browser with the name 'Vivaldi'. These minimalists stress that a browser is limited to a set of tasks or should I put it…

By kjala

12 Free Email Services (Without Phone Verification)

Welcome to a list of free email services that do not ask for your phone number. Yep, it’s kind of creepy these days. You need to give away your phone number in exchange for an email account. I mean, while it does add a…

By hotsources

Celebrate LGBT Subculture with Vivaldi

Celebrate LGBT subculture with Vivaldi, the browser that prides itself on its openness and distinctiveness. From leather to rubber, from bears to pups, there's a theme for everyone, and more to…

By glowingfirefly

Baru Juga Pekan Pertama

Berpindah prioritas untuk urusan lain seharian kemarin, masih pada pekan pertama gamifikasi, sudah terlewat satu hari Jumat. Oh, tidak –namun bagaimana lagi, tersadar pada pukul 00.08, apakah waktu perlu dimundurkan…

By ikhlasulamal

‘Riwayat’ yang Sungguh Menantang

Gamifikasi adalah menjadikan sesuatu sebagai tantangan untuk mencapai tingkat berikutnya. Hari ini sanggup berjalan kaki 1.000 langkah, berikutnya diharapkan meningkat 1.500, 2.000, dst. Sampai batas tertentu yang…

By ikhlasulamal

Kako uključiti JavaScript u web pregledniku?

Danas gotovo sve web stranice u sebi sadrže JavaScript. To je programski jezik, koji se izvršava u web pregledniku. On web stranicama osigurava određene funkcionalnosti i ako je on iz nekog razloga onemogućen, može se…

By disu1950


Some browser hidden options: internet://debug/ List of Internet URLs…

By disu1950


"I used to know these things. I used to be good at this. C'mon!" said SecUnit1…

By mimismum

In Internet senza SLIP :)

Agli inizi degli anni '90, chiusa la fase militare e ridimensionata quella accademica, Internet sembra pronto ad aprirsi all'uso commerciale e a raggiungere le aziende e i singoli utenti. Rimane però un ostacolo non…

By hydor

Vivaldi 6.7 pour Android améliore quelques fonctionnalités

Le nouveau navigateur Vivaldi apporte des améliorations à tous les niveaux. Téléchargez-le dès maintenant sur votre Android et vos Chromebooks.…

By ra-mon

Vivaldi 6.7 optimise ses performances et détecte davantage de flux

Vivaldi réduit désormais l'utilisation de la mémoire en hibernant automatiquement les onglets inactifs, détecte automatiquement certains flux sur des sites Web tels que Reddit et GitHub, et permet de créer des espaces…

By ra-mon



By disu1950