Category: Photography


We continue our journey and we cross back to Sibiu County, arriving in the commune of Merghindeal (Mergeln in German) and in its village of Șulumberg (the old Romanian name) or Dealu Frumos (Schönberg in German, Lesses…

By Cezar

Feed My Sheep

Shelves filled with books line the aisles of a cozy bookstore in Chicago, Illinois, while a person sits reading by a window with a view of the street and trees outside. Soft lighting creates a calm ambiance, perfect…

By fjcasella


If in the previous article there was a Kleinschenk (small-tavern), so it was obvious that there is somewhere a Großschenk (big-tavern) as well ("Schenk" means tavern in German... and "cârciumă" in Romanian). So, here it…

By Cezar

I miei hobby

Andare in mountain bike non è un hobby! Essendo cresciuto sportivamente fin da piccolo e avendo proseguito anche professionalmente nel mondo dello sport, per me un hobby è quando stacco la spina e mi rilasso. Pensa che…

By Quasisale


The village of Cincșor (Kleinschenk in German, Kissink in Hungarian) is a place on the edge. First, we could say that it is on the edge of civilization, as it was very hard to reach it; the bridge over the Olt River,…

By Cezar


The Fortress Street (Strada Cetății in Romanian, Harteneckgasse in German) is considered to be the most beautiful street in Sibiu. Here is a winter view with the ancient wall of the fortress (built around year 1360) and…

By Cezar


Slimnic, the village from the previous article, is part of a union of 5 villages (of which it is the administrative center), this union being called commune (comună) in Romanian. In this article I want to show you…

By Cezar

Stolzenburg Citadel

On the road between Sibiu and Medias, one can find a small community of about 3400 people called Slimnic, a name quite difficult to pronounce in Romanian due to its many consonants. A typical Transylvanian village, part…

By Cezar

Ancient Arches

For those who know Baia Mare well, these arches are a familiar sight. They stand between the Elisabeth House (to the left) and the Géza Vida Museum (to the right).…

By Cezar

Inside St. Michael's Church

Here are some views from inside the Saint Michael Church of Cluj-Napoca, also called Michaelskirche in German, Szent Mihály-templom in Hungarian and Biserica Sfântul Mihail in Romanian. It is the second largest church…

By Cezar

Out of Season

A small coastal town; a place where nobody goes in winter, a place where nothing happens when the sun doesn’t shine. A place that ships always leave behind, on the way to somewhere else beyond the far horizon.…

By toomuchrose