Category: Recent


Çalışkan olmalıyız.Sadece çalışarak öğreniriz.Bu çok büyük bir kıymet,Çok çok çalışkan olmalıyız.…

By nurmekki

Ryd op i dine emails

Lige som du er nødt til at rydde op i din postkasse ude ved vejen, er du også nødt til at rydde op i dine emails, da du ellers risikerer, at din Mailbox går i udu. Anledningen til denne advarsel er, at jeg lige har…

By nesega

Oct. 1, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

yt_dlp'pip install -U yt-dlp' , shell=True) with YoutubeDL({'quiet': True}) as ydl : res = ydl.extract_info(url , download=False)…

By tadyas

October 01

Haggai 2:4 "Be strong, all you people of the land,” declares the Lord, “and work. For I am with you,” declares the Lord Almighty.…

By theophan

Could the Faroes Help Scotland?

This video… about tunnels in the Faroes sparked off my interest:

By lonm

Octobre 2024 en mangas !

Bonjour ! L’automne est là, on va donc se farcir du froid jusqu’en mai, voire juin prochain… 😒😤 Mais le 27, on se rapprochera un peu de notre fuseau horaire normal en revenant à l’heure avancée d’Europe de l’ouest, le…

By Trit’

Deadpool and wolverine

পপকালচার বলে একটা টার্ম এর প্রচলন আছে। সেটা এখানে বেশ ভালভাবে আসছে। এর আগে মে বি, Ready player one, এ এভাবে ছিল। যাহোক উপভোগ্য ছিল।…

By Kalkut

On Dialysis.

Talk among ourselves as outpatients Chat during an epic of two or three machines posting alarms, turned into comparison data, turned to Blood Pressure data. All meaningless numbers to me, they check my blood pressure…

By weatherlawyer

"Faction Cachée"

Faction Cachée OutOfExile_IDR – © 2024…

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

Here comes Sabancaya again

Here with the rain it comes Steel eyed again it runs…

By weatherlawyer

Deconstructed Granola

I've always wanted to use the word deconstructed in a blog title. And yes, I know it should have used unconstructed or some word like that. It's been a looong hard day and I forgot to write a post earlier so this is…

By robrose