Category: Recent
Loot divers du 08/09/2024
"Kept you waiting huh ?" Bonjour à toutes et tous ! Comment allez-vous ? Ca faisait un bail qu'on ne s'était pas retrouvés ici. Disons que je n'ai pas pris le temps de rattraper mes animes ni d'écrire d'article de…
Quick advertisement.....
.....for my "The World According to Travellin' Bob…" outlet.
By travellinbob
September 10
Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge , and He shall direct thy paths. James 4:8 Come near to God and He will come near to you.…
By theophan
Seagull - New Bird Slurs
A seagull is a bird, often seen as a nuisance to coastal communities. Given its maligned role, its name seems apt for reuse.…
By lonm
Főtér Festival Nagybánya
Főtér Festival is the largest Hungarian festival taking place in Baia Mare, typically during 3 days in mid-September every year, since 2009. Fő-tér translates to "main-square", as the event happens in the historic city…
By Cezar
Revolution of Dignity support
The Revolution of Dignity… as the or the , took place in in February 2014 at the end of the protests, when deadly clashes between protesters and state forces in the capital culminated in the ousting of , the return…
By oldfreebie
第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第十號公告
鑒於當前各地一些必須正見的現況,大家在恭聞了第三世多杰羌佛的系列法音以後,仍然有一些學佛之人對師資的概念含混不清,落於邪見之迷惑,尤為憂心忡忡,這說明某些人并沒有聽懂法音,於是需要加強理解法義,否則有不慎誤入歧途之險。 一、衡量一個修行人是不是真正的聖德,只有兩條最簡單的標準:其一,是否符合一百二十八條知見;其二,是否擁有聖證量。無論一個人在哪個國家、屬于什麼教派、其佛教頭銜多高、名聲多大,如果不具備這兩點,就不是聖德。乃至包括名列在《…
第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第九號公告
對于大家非常關心并咨詢的《解脫大手印》的修學,第三世多杰羌佛辦公室特公告如下: 一、目前,僅有《多杰羌佛第三世》寶書上第554頁至557頁所記載的并由第四世多珠欽法王土登成利華桑波寫促認偈的兩位大聖德和道果三大德(即祿東贊尊者第四世慈仁嘉措法王、開初仁波且和妙空法師)共五位接受了勝義內密灌頂《解脫大手印》境行法,除此,其他任何人都沒有持有、沒有修學《解脫大手印》,《解脫大手印》的法本也僅有第三世多杰羌佛辦公室人員接觸過,還沒有正式公開過…