Category: Recent
GOD YHWH speaks to the nations ... …
"Inside My Spinning"
Spinning is not the political or media kind, but does require a pen. No hand to hand occurred. The concept is about the power of words. Choose them wisely.…
How to save money?
No need for expensive desktop anymore, better to split up to 4 parts. Like console, laptop, smart phone and smart TV. If graphics card can be up to 4 figures or more, than to the math. Console 500, laptop 500, phone 250…
By ipristy
今年も文化祭に行ってきた 暑かった〜 昨年出遅れた管弦楽団の演奏と弓道体験をリベンジすべく、開始時間から入れるように出発 1本も的中できんかったけど楽しかったなあ! 自分が学生時代にできなかったことばかりで、オーキャンも文化祭巡りもわたしの方が楽しんでいる☺︎ そんで三次元にチャンネル合っちゃってるからかSNSとかなかなか……何したらいいのかわからんくなってしまった 落ち着いたらまたチャンネル切り替わるだろうけどね!イベントの申し込みだ…
By カイコ
Frammenti di Editorie Dimenticate
Di fatto, quelli della mia generazione sono testimoni di un'epoca in cui la stratificazione editoriale aveva prodotto tali e tanti contenuti da poter essere accolti solo entro uno spaziotempo radicalmente diverso da…
By palmbeach
Die ersten Tage - Brisbane & Sunshine Coast
Am Tag der Ankunft haben wir uns aufgemacht Brisbane zu erkunden. Die Stadt hat uns überrascht mit einer Mischung aus einer "klassischen" Großstadt mit Hochhäusern, Geschäftsviertel und viel Verkehr als auch großzügigen…
By Sven
By ky25
5 Budget-Friendly Strategies for Effective Event Marketing
Event planning can be exciting, but perhaps the marketing part has you trembling in your boots when plans to work with a small budget become evident. Just as in-person events are coming back, smart marketers have had to…
By writerbrian
September 08
Acts 20:35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Matthew 25:35 Jesus…
By theophan
Qualche Appunto sugli Appunti Cartacei
The notebook is the place where you figure out what’s going on inside you or what’s rattling around. And then, the keyboard is the place that you go to tell people about it. Austin Kleon…
By palmbeach