Category: Recent
Cordéis de Novembro
Novembro também tem cordéis! E outubro teve um, que nem foi divulgado, então divulgo hoje tudo junto! Mister Chip…
By cordeis
Fremstil QR kode på en Mac
I macOS er indbygget et værktøj til at fremstille QR-koder til forskellige formål. Det kan være adgang til hjemmeside, adgang til et trådløst net....…
By nesega
SSL Converter Convert your SSL certificate to different formatsIf your CA has sent you the certificate file in a format that your server doesn't accept, you'll need to convert the certificate file's format . You can…
By disu1950
Tip #589
Choose the maximum number of widget columns for your Dashboard. The same way you can decide how many Speed Dial columns you have on the Start Page when the browser window is large enough to fit a lot of them (see Tip…
By Vivaldi Tips
Las cosas no siempre van como queremos que sucedan.
Las cosas no siempre van como nosotros queremos que sucedan. Dios fluye de acuerdo a su voluntad. Hay muchas cosas que deseamos ver que sucedan y no suceden. Me he dado cuenta que muchas veces mientras mas empujo, menos…
By danois
A man's best friend
I've always had animals in my life - dogs, cats, rabbits, tortoises, guinea pigs, various budgies. And goldfish. In my childhood mostly, as my parents thought it would be good for my development, I suppose:…
By travellinbob
November 05
James 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.…
By theophan
November by John Clare
Sybil of months, and worshipper of winds,I love thee, rude and boisterous as thou art;And scraps of joy my wandering ever findsMid thy uproarious madness—when the startOf sudden tempests stirs the forest leavesInto…
Hot Pools, Höhlen und Hobbits - Rotorua & Auckland
Die geothermischen Aktivitäten sind rund um Rotorua stark ausgeprägt. An vielen Stellen gibt es heiße Quellen oder Säulen heißen Dampfes steigen auf. Auch liegt oftmals ein Geruch von Schwefel in der Luft, welcher…
By Sven
What to do if Freewallet blocked your account
If you've fallen victim to the Freewallet scam, we’re here to help get your funds back by amplifying your story. Freewallet’s reputation in the crypto community is well-known, with numerous cases of account freezes…
By serhiokanzer
Tip #588
Undo tab closing in Vivaldi on Android with just one tap. Being able to reopen a tab you just closed is a valuable tool to have in your pocket. In Vivaldi on Android, you can enable a message that appears, when you…
By Vivaldi Tips