Category: Recent

spectroscopic observations on 19 sept.

i could obtain 2 spectra of Be-sterren in hoge resolutie voor H-alpha gebied: EW Lac en 12 Vul

By astrobry

The Machine Readable CV

In applying for a job, I've come to realise something is missing in online job applications. A machine readable CV format.…

By lonm

Cynoglossum amabile

Cynoglossum amabile - Chinese forget-me-not or Chinese hound's tongue - Chinesische Hundszunge oder Chinesisches Vergissmeinnicht - Ebnyelvűfű…

By Cezar

GOD says : I will reveal the Truth ...

By The Voice in The Wind.

Salas de Videoconferencias: El Futuro de la Colaboración Empresarial

Las salas de videoconferencias se han convertido en un componente esencial para las empresas modernas. Con la globalización y el aumento del trabajo remoto, la necesidad de herramientas eficaces para la comunicación y…

By blausolutions

Scripts em Python - Programa Para Exibir a Tabuada

Programação sempre foi algo que para mim é de outro mundo, acho incrível o que pode ser feito apenas escrevendo linhas de códigos (programas, jogos, sites, etc). Quando entrei na faculdade de IA, fiquei bem empolgado ao…

By Kaw.Metrics

Sept. 19, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

César, en français

Below you can read two texts written by me in French. I lived for many years in France and this language is my second one after my native Romanian. My command of French is slightly better than the one of English (which…

By Cezar

September 19

1 Corinthians 9:19 Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. Romans 13:7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue;…

By theophan

Vivaldi embraces Snap distribution channel for Linux

We’re always on the lookout for ways to make our browser more accessible, versatile, and user-friendly. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Vivaldi is officially available for download as a Snap package, bringing our…

By María

Star Trek isn't Political Enough

A common refrain I've seen on the internet is that a series is 'too political'. This is usually made when a series introduces a plotline that touches on contemporary societal and political issues. Often, I suspect, by…

By lonm

Las Payasadas - GTA San Andreas 2021

Aviso: Esta entrada contiene imágenes de alta calidad que pueden consumir una mayor cantidad de datos móviles. Para evitar un consumo excesivo de datos móviles, te recomendamos conectarte a una red Wi-Fi.…

By Fernando C.