Category: Recent
第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第四十二號公告
辦公室接到一些言論,其中最有代表性的就是:“有著名活佛上師名聲那麼大、學得那麼好,還出了問題,這會斷眾生的慧命。他曾經的開示,我們還能照著做嗎?我們很質疑,那麼高地位的大活佛,並且在香港大會上發過言,怎麼可能不如法呢?” 僅憑以上質疑的人的心態,就只能說明此類人不可理喻,實在愚癡得無法想像!斷言你等根本不是在按南無第三世多杰羌佛教導修行的人。第三世多杰羌佛為了保護大眾利益,不上壞人的當、不受壞人的騙,為了防止落入邪師引導,因此在公告中很…
第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第四十一號公告
Nearer My God To Thee BYU Focal Point with BYU Men's Chorus singing Nearer My God To Thee…
By jannipea
O Come, All Ye Faithful One Voice Children's Choir singing O Come, All Ye Faithful…
By jannipea
Mary Did You Know? One Voice Children's Choir singing Mary Did You Know?…
By jannipea
The Things That Shaped Me
We are all the product of our life's experiences. Everything that touches us changes us. Everything in which we train shape our brain, both literally and figuratively.…
By publicwolf
Sayfa sayfa okunurKütüphaneden alınırHerşeyi öğretirKitaptır onun adıÖğretmenden sadece değilKitaplardan da öğrenilirHerşeyi bize sevdirirKitaptır onun adı (Yazar: Nur MEKKİ)…
By nurmekki
Nye versioner af macOS, IOS og IPADOS
I dag er jeg gået i gang med at opdatere mine computere med de netop frigivne versioner af styresystemerne. Det drejer sig om macOS Sequoia version 15.0, IPADOS version 18, og IOS version 18.…
By nesega
September 18
Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are,…
By theophan
Recording our Personal Histories
I recently read the book Australia: Biography of a Nation, by Phillip Knightley and it was a fascinating look into the history of that continent. In particular because it's colonisation and 'founding' happened so…
By lonm