Category: Recent
Il mio vecchio blog su LiveJournal, di cui ho parlato qualche post fa, è stato censurato e chiuso. Le motivazioni, in questo caso, sono praticamente impossibili da ottenere, e non mi ci metto neppure. Sta di fatto che…
By palmbeach
Jeg har lige modtaget denne besked: Jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at det er et forsøg på svindel; men det er da påfaldende, at jeg netop har modtaget en pakke via DAO, der har været igennem tolden. Jeg tror ikke på…
By nesega
It's FOSS: FairEmail – открытый почтовый клиент для Android
Команда It's FOSS продолжает знакомить своих читателей с открытыми приложениями, которыми можно заменить привычные гугловские сервисы. На сей раз речь пойдёт о почтовом клиенте FairEmail. …
By Alex Semёnov
September 20
3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.…
By theophan
spectroscopic observations on 19 sept.
i could obtain 2 spectra of Be-sterren in hoge resolutie voor H-alpha gebied: EW Lac en 12 Vul
By astrobry
The Machine Readable CV
In applying for a job, I've come to realise something is missing in online job applications. A machine readable CV format.…
By lonm
Cynoglossum amabile
Cynoglossum amabile - Chinese forget-me-not or Chinese hound's tongue - Chinesische Hundszunge oder Chinesisches Vergissmeinnicht - Ebnyelvűfű…
By Cezar
GOD says : I will reveal the Truth ...