Category: Recent
Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
For Windows 7 32bit The Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Version 7.1.0 is an update to the WDK 7.0.0 release and contains the tools, code samples, documentation, compilers, headers and libraries with which software developers…
By disu1950
The LIGHT of GOD's Spirit and words ... ( CLIP )
Shocking ! Shocking ! Endtime/Apocalypse ... FACTS/REALITY NOW ! [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""]…
History of the Earth for Visual Dictionary
Stone Age Other Stone Age Weapon and Items…
By oldfreebie
September 29
Isaiah 43:16,18-19 Thus says the Lord … Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing.…
By theophan
先日久々にひとりカラオケに行き明け方まで歌ってきたのだけど、それから外出が続いたこともあってか生活リズムが乱れに乱れて全く元に戻らず地味に困っている。こんなんじゃ連続出勤とか無理だよ……!? 起きてる間、頭も体もシャッキリしてたら作業したりなんだりできるのに、そうではないのでただ時間を過ごすしかなく非常にもったいない。12月に本出したいなあ、新刊ですってしたいなあ。
By カイコ
Gmail is the only reliable email sender on this planet
If you need to send an important email, Gmail is the only reliable email sender on this planet. It's not just Google's technology that's reliable; other email services automatically accept mail from Gmail. Any other…
By fenghe
Four Just Men
If I was President Trump I am not President Trump nor anything like him. As a Christian I am in a church that does no politics, neverthe less i am free to observe what is going on. This has always been true for…
Planting More Morning Glory Seeds
We've had a wonderful bloom this year from our volunteer morning glory plant. Unfortunately the plant is nearing the end of its life cycle, though it is still displaying a handful of blooms everyday. The little seeds…
By robrose