Category: Recent
Hvordan laver man simpel grafik i Pages
I nedenstående video vises hvordan man kan lave simpel grafik i Pages tekstbehandling, som følger med enhver Mac computer. Følg proceduren:…
By nesega
comet observations on 23 oct. 2024
a clear night and very weel for comet observations. several comets could be observed: 43P, 54P, 130P, 190P, 253P, 305P, C/2021 S3, C/2022 N2, C/2023 A3, C/2023 R1, P/2023 M4…
By astrobry
An (extremely) Abridged Stranger's Guide to D&D 5e
Setting Expectations D&D is a tabletop game. This means that technically all you need to get started is pen, paper and some dice, but to keep things engaging we try to stick by a bunch of loosely kept rules. Loosely…
By subhoboy
Tip #582
Divide your feeds into folders in the Vivaldi Feed Reader to group them by topic. Staying on top of your favorite content in the Vivaldi Feed Reader is easier when you have the feeds you follow neatly organized into…
By Vivaldi Tips
Message to ... THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD ...
The Voice in The Desert / The Wind 7 / The Candle 7. …
By wvd3jkq
October 25
John 17:21 Jesus said, “As You, Father, are in Me and I am in You, may they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.” John 13:35 Jesus said, “This is how everyone will know that you are My…
By theophan
反省したのか?! 石破首相も絶句 「裏金議員に2000万円」がトドメの一撃か? 与党過半数割れ、政権交代の現実味 | AERA dot. (アエラドット)…
By wvd3jkq
1. Modをダウンロードする から必要なModファイルをダウンロードします。OneLoader は前提Modなので必ずダウンロードしてください。(マイクラで言うForgeみたいなもの)…
By aoisensi