Category: Recent

Zabawy z technologią. Potyczki z cukrzycą. Internet. Zdrowe odżywianie. DIY. Pożyteczne nawyki. Parę fotek. …

By Piotr

GOD's Giving Goodness...

By The Voice in The Wind.

Le radici della forza umana

La vita di una persona è un cammino spesso costellato di ostacoli e difficoltà. Tuttavia, questo percorso ci offre anche l'opportunità di dimostrare la nostra forza interiore e la nostra resilienza. La forza mentale di…

By alviro


Word Viewer Quick links Overview System requirements Instructions…

By disu1950

Tip #585

Skip scrolling and jump to the latest emails with a click of a button. Vivaldi Mail's "Jump to Latest" button makes it easy to hop back to the most recent email with a single click. …

By Vivaldi Tips

Oct. 30, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

October 30

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.…

By theophan


xorg 映射大写锁定+HJKL创建文件~/.xmodmap,内部写入如下内容:…

By meursau1t

Who is the TRUE MASHIACH ... ? ( CLIP )  …

By The Voice in The Wind.

Installation af Google Drive i Windows 11

I det følgende har jeg lavet et installationsforløb i billeder af en Google Drive installation. Billedserien giver indblik i, hvorledes Google Drive er skruet sammen.…

By nesega

Um novo Vivaldi – Uma experiência de navegação totalmente nova

Estamos orgulhosos de finalmente lançar um Vivaldi totalmente novo. Com um visual completamente renovado e um novo recurso principal, consolidamos o que o Vivaldi representa – dando a você controle total da sua…

By Renato Wozniak