Category: Recent
A Voice that has impact ... CLIP - made with Clipchamp.mp4 …
Tip #594
Trigger Command Chains from a toolbar button with a custom icon. Command Chains can be triggered with Quick Commands, Keyboard Shortcuts, Mouse Gestures, toolbar buttons, and from menus. Command Chain toolbar buttons…
By Vivaldi Tips
田野大輔「ファシズムの教室 なぜ集団は暴走するのか」
田野大輔著「ファシズムの教室 なぜ集団は暴走するのか」(大月書店)読了。 『検証 ナチスは「良いこと」もしたのか?』共著でおなじみの歴史社会学者、田野先生による、いわゆるファシズムを体験する大学の実践授業についての本。…
By kizehura
King Arthur
Arthur (3 December 455 - 537) was Duke of Somerset from 490 to 537 and the leader of the Britons during the Battle of Badon of the 6th century. Is the legendary ruler of Britain, the central character in the collection…
By oldfreebie
Ensalada de nectarinas, tomate y burrata
Una hermosa ensalada para un almuerzo de verano o una cena al aire libre, fuertemente inspirada en A. El plato depende totalmente de la calidad de los ingredientes, así que prepáralo con…
By putococinero
November 12
Proverbs 15:1 NIV A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 11:12 NIV A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.…
By theophan
comet and spectroscopic observations on 12 nov.
During a short period of clear sky, i could observe comet C/2023 A3… and spectroscopic observations of Be-star: for h-alpha region and HeI emission @ 6678 Angstrom.
By astrobry