Category: Recent

Running Sidekiq Locally in Rails

Recently, I needed to debug some issues with a Sidekiq queue in a Ruby on Rails app and figured I'd take the time to figure out how to run Sidekiq locally. Thankfully, it's really quite easy!…

By tradesmanhelix


僅少という言葉、「僅かに少ない」という意味で使っていますが、この対義語ってなんでしょうか。辞書で調べてみると「莫大」が出てきました。莫大は「すごく多い」という意味ですかね。 …これは正しいでしょうか?少し違和感があるなら、それは対義語という言葉の定義の認識の違いかもしれません。…

By yukikoya

spectroscopic observation on 14 july

With the C11 + LHiResIII spectrograph could 2 spectra obtained from Be-stars: 25 Cyg, 12 Vul

By astrobry


On les dirait agrippés au rocher de la cale raie

By gmalette

Tip #63

Drag text and links instead of copy-pasting. Instead of the multi-click copy > locate and focus on destination > paste action you can just drag the highlighted text to the relevant location. Highlighting can be…

By Vivaldi Tips

En + de votre ordi...Un beau stylo breton?

ceux-ci en acacia, plusieurs choix de bois Un jeune breton de Port-Launay fabrique ces stylos magnifiques et les vend jusqu'à 13 heures à La Maison de la Presse, Place des Halles:35 € l'unité, je crois …

By gmalette

Office with a view

In June, we swap our desks at home for a stay in the Innovation House in Magnolia, Massachusetts, to work together, hang out and have lots of fun.

By Team Vivaldi

Pure Devotion The Bridegroom is coming, for a bride that is spotless Those who have washed in the blood of Christ And keeping themselves in the love of their Saviour Waiting for Him, with their lamps…

By Bible4Reasoning

The importance of prayer and our gratitude towards God

Through nature and revelation, through God's providence, and by the influence of His Spirit, God speaks to us. But these are not enough; we need also to pour out our hearts to Him. In order to live a godly spiritual…

By Bible4Reasoning

The Perspective We Have From Silence

Silence from the Sky - Black and White Square Landscape Photograph - Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella…

By fjcasella

Oahe Dam

It is difficult to realize the size of the dam from this photo which is of rolled earth construction and is 9300 feet long. Powerhouse and surge tanks. The tanks are 145' high and 70' in diameter.…

By robrose

É tudo verdade, mas a culpa não é da comunicação social

Novo sitio:…

By manueljoaquim