Category: Recent

How to understand DMARC reports

I decided it was about time that I sat down and tried to understand these reports, and I think that I now have a better understanding of the reports. Below, is the current published DMARC record for one of my domains.…

By fredonline


Bilgisayarının başında,rakı dolu bardağının dibindeydi. Yazmaktan çok yazdıklarının yer aldığı zeminle ilgili,etrafında olup bitenlerden habersiz,içine kapanık huzurlu ve mutluydu.. İstedikleri aynen tasarladığı tempoda…

By rachmaninoff

Tip #599

Choose whether to open the Start Page with the last viewed Speed Dial Group or with the first one on the list. …

By Vivaldi Tips

Nov. 19, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Mitos y verdades sobre el uso de gafas graduadas

Las gafas graduadas son una solución común para corregir problemas de visión como miopía, hipermetropía y astigmatismo. Sin embargo, existen varios mitos y creencias erróneas sobre el uso de lentes que pueden generar…

By bajavision

November 19

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Deuteronomy 8:2 And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove…

By theophan

Installation af Linux Mint på en 16 år gammel iMac

Min gamle iMac fra 2008 har i lang tid haft en plads i skammekrogen fordi den version af macOS, som var installeret på den ikke længere kunne bruges til noget fornuftigt. Jeg fik så den skøre idé, at den måske kunne…

By nesega

The Almighty GOD and future things ...

By The Voice in The Wind.

Dlaczego mój tablet nie widzi karty SIM? 

Dlaczego mój tablet nie widzi karty SIM? …

By Piotr

Tip #598

Add multiple web pages to Bookmarks on mobile in one go. When you've come across some useful websites during one of your browsing sprees, as long as you have all the web pages open in separate tabs, you can bookmark…

By Vivaldi Tips

Installation af Linux Mint på ældre MacBook

At installere Linux Mint på en ældre MacBook kan give nyt liv til din gamle computer. Linux Mint er kendt for sin brugervenlighed og stabilitet, hvilket gør den til et godt valg for…

By nesega

Take me back, to sunny days again

The Sugar Loaf. Mount Doom looks so much better now Sauron has gone.…

By desdinova