Category: Recent
Ezra Rikoto Beaver
Ezra Rikoto was an original character I created for a roleplay session back in 2016.
By enadasa
Welcome to my Art gallery
Greetings, I know it has been awhile since my last post, during this time I have taken up a new hobby! I now draw cuboid style beavers! By far this one is my favorite.…
By enadasa
Blogpost pertama di Vivaldi - 03-12-24
Saya menulis blog ini menggunakan Vivaldi, sebuah peramban yang mungkin tidak terlalu dikenal oleh banyak orang. Vivaldi menjadi pilihan saya karena memang hanya peramban ini yang dapat diinstalasi dan dijalankan di…
By dasaptaerwin
Inkscape - genvejstaster
Taste(r)Funktion der udføres3Tilpas markering til side4Tilpas tegning i vindue5Tilpas side I vindueCMD+4Midt på siden i vindueCMD+DDupliker valgte objekterAlt+DOpret klon af det markerede objektShift+Alt+DKlip de…
By nesega
The real world seen through my eyes. How on earth do you want anyone to respect you if you can't respect yourself? How on earth do you want anyone to love you if you can't love yourself?…
By Cezar
By senyotter02
Cactus Photo Browser
Hi, I introduce my very small project that I decide to describe in my blog as first entry. I come up with idea of image browser when I dowloaded picture from diferent devices like camera, mobile phone etc. into my home…
By kaktus30
my November gear
11月はあまり買わないようにとは思ったのです。本当に… AVIOT TE-Q3 最小クラスの実力が見たいと思って購入。AVIOTのものは概ね取り出しにくい。…
By rindow
It was not in Wotan's nature to linger on and show signs of old age. He simply disappeared when the times turned against him, and remained invisible for more than a thousand years, working anonymously and…
By Cezar
Inkscape - hvad er det?
I gamle dage (i forrige århundrede) ville man have kaldt Inkscape for et Desk Top Publishing program, så det er altså et program, hvori man kan fremstille forskellige granske illustrationer, plakater o.s.v. Programmet,…
By nesega