Category: Recent
Phase 10 - 1 out of 10
One some holidays recently, we got a pack of the card game Phase 10 to play. In theory, a card game deriving from rummy but mixing up the rules a bit should have worked. Unfortunately, I felt it kind of missed the…
By lonm
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare - Common Spear Thistle - Gewöhnliche Kratzdistel - Közönséges aszat…
By Cezar
The North Atlantic Charts
I only use the sea level pressure stuff, the upper atmosphere is a foreign country to me. Since the glowballers took over their quality dropped. Or this may be a bug with JavaScript, on supercomputers it will work…
Meu GTD ideal
GTD ou Getting Things Done, são aqueles aplicativos usados como um sistema de gerenciamento de tempo, algo para organizar seus afazeres. Já testei muitos aplicativos, mas sempre tinham algum detalhe que me fazia…
By nunesdennis
Prophecy concerning : Return of Mashiach ... [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""]…
Indstilling af fordampningskøleskab
Jeg har lige læst nedenstående opslag på KG-Campings Facebook side, og det var i hvert fald nyt for mig - måske er det også nyt for andre?
By nesega
Tip #547
Choose which websites can see your exact location. Geolocation can be a convenient feature, but not every service provider needs to know where in the world you are. That's why, in Vivaldi, you control which websites…
By Vivaldi Tips
En parkeringshistorie
Jeg var tidligere på sommeren udsat for at blive beskyldt for at køre ud og ind af den samme parkeringsbås på en parkeringsplads lige nord for Limfjordsbroen i Nørresundby. Jeg var dog så heldig, at parkeringsvagten,…
By nesega