Category: Recent
comet and spectroscopic observations on 27 august
It promises clear skies for the whole night and the moon phase is now about 0.35, so also less disturbing. I had prepared the observatory and set up a whole programme of observations. However, around 1 a.m. the focuser…
By astrobry
Visual Thinking: Notes Setup
Il poema di oggi... Ormai questo è il mio standard. Mini-notes Clairfontaine "Aged Bag" e adesivi vari (specie asiatici). Di solito uso però copertine colorate. (Colonna sonora: John Zorn.)…
By palmbeach
Q&A with Qwant
In our next Community Talk, Qwant's CTO will be answering questions from Vivaldi users about their search engine. You can either participate by sending your questions to [email protected] or joining us live for the…
By María
Software Privacy sostenibilità
Con l'arrivo delle carte dei circuiti VISA e Mastercard sostenibili ad impronta CO2 avremo un colpo mortale a quello che rimane della privatezza personale. Con queste carte di pagamento saremo sottoposti, per motivi…
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