Category: Recent

A Journey from Windows to Linux: Making Live Wallpaper Engine Work on Hyprland

As someone who recently made the leap from Windows to Linux, I've been on an exciting yet challenging journey of exploring what this new environment has to offer. Having been accustomed to the polished and user-friendly…

By cheun

"Time Will Come"

"Time Will Come" OutOfExile_IDR – © 1992…

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

Linux Recommendware - Aug 2024

Do you guys like Software? Good software makes computers dance on air. Bad software is the devil's farts. Let's talk about some of my favourites, some of the very best stuff I've found that helps keep Computing…

By Uraael

The Day of the Righteous One is getting brighter

I am not the righteous one but I can see things are getting better. Thyae Apostle Paul said that these days would be they would be hard to deal with and they are. Not only has freedom of speech been taken from the holy…

By weatherlawyer

Un QR Code è per sempre!

C’è un legame profondo tra le rivoluzioni industriali del passato, la prossima e il progresso e lo sfruttamento dei lavoratori e poi ora, dei dati individuali. Al momento questa industria è la più forte del mercato e…

By #

Tip #552

Give tabs custom names and never lose sight of them again. Whether the tab has an uninformative title, you have too many tabs with identical names or just wish to have more fun tab titles - whatever the reason,…

By Vivaldi Tips

Tutto Qui (a Typewriter-Post)

Sono sempre rimasto a dir poco affascinato dai blog dattiloscritti, una sorta di moda di qualche tempo fa, che fondeva appunto il mezzo digitale con l'arte di passare allo scanner fogli di carta imbrattati da strumenti…

By palmbeach

Aug. 29, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14


Ne pazarold az időt és az energiádat haszontalan dolgokra.…

By Cezar

August 29

John 15:6 Jesus said, “If you do not remain in Me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 The message of the cross is…

By theophan

It's FOSS: 9 мессенджеров на базе Matrix

Конфиденциальных мессенджеров с каждым днём становится всё меньше: какие-то блокируют доступ для пользователей из РФ, а какие-то блокируются на уровне провайдера. Если ищите чем бы заменить покинувшие нас Signal и Wire…

By Alex Semёnov

Vivaldi est désormais disponible sur les PC Windows de nouvelle génération, incluant Co-pilot+ et Snapdragon

Aujourd'hui, nous sommes ravis d'annoncer une étape importante : Vivaldi est désormais officiellement disponible pour Windows sur ARM. Si vous voulez de la vitesse, de l'efficacité, et de la mobilité sans compromis,…

By pierre