Category: Recent

December 10

Isaiah 40:8 Yes, grass withers and flowers fade, but the word of our God endures for ever. 2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!…

By theophan

Slope Ball

Slope Ball is an interesting platformer game. In this game, you will control a ball rolling through steep terrain, overcoming obstacles, and conquering challenging paths. With eye-catching graphics and simple but…

By patrick893

Clowns In America At my age I doubt I will ever enter an aircraft so I am free to consider that Boeing should be stopped from making aircraft for civilian use. The iron age reached its pinnacle…

By weatherlawyer

Pluto TV, Sementes e o Retorno do Rei (Falcão)

Este mês de dezembro, trago um novo cordel gratuito de presente. E uma nova edição de um cordel antigo. E um novo pacote de episódios da minha novela de aventura atual. Vamos aos detalhes:…

By cordeis

Verify Files Hash with OpenSSL

MD5 Hash with openssl from the command line…

By disu1950

Encrypt Files with OpenSSL

Encrypt & Decrypt Files from the Command Line with OpenSSL Need to quickly encrypt a file from the command line? With OpenSSL, you can encrypt and decrypt files very easily.…

By disu1950

12.9 晚报 | 特朗普政府重视加拿大芬太尼网络,卑诗省推进充公14处涉案房产;北约克发生枪击事件 一男子死亡;第82届金球奖提名公布 加拿大演员和导演崭露头角

特朗普政府重视加拿大芬太尼网络,卑诗省推进充公14处涉案房产 温哥华记者Bob Mackin报道,Paul King Jin(身穿红色短裤和黑色T恤)在他的拳击馆会见了一位卑诗省新民主党政客,该拳击馆与卑诗省的充公诉讼有关。在此次会面中,还有来自北京统一战线工作部驻温哥华的成员。…

By ontariochinese


Shizuku Background When developing apps that requires root, the most common method is to run some commands in the su shell. For example, there is an app that uses the pm enable/disable command to enable/disable…

By disu1950

Tip #613

Try out the different ways you can search open tabs and switch to them. With amazing tab management features, the Vivaldi browser is a tab hoarder's paradise. In this tip, we list all the ways you can search for open…

By Vivaldi Tips

Et program til fritlægning af objekter i billede

Hvis du er en af dem, der af og til har brug for at fritlægge et objekt i et foto (det kan være en person i et gruppebillede o.l.), så er programmet Aiarty Image Matting måske noget for dig. …

By nesega

Misskey バブルゲーム攻略

この記事はFediverse Advent Calender(第二会場)… 10日目の記事です。

By taiki0915takaga

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