Category: Recent

Give Me Jesus Fernando Ortega with the Rexburg Children's Choir sing Give Me Jesus…

By jannipea

Vivaldi now available as Snap

We've cared about the Linux Community since the beginning! 🐧 We'll continue to provide the same packaging options we've always had available, and hope to reach even more Linux users by including a Snap package for those…

By María

Sept. 25, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

September 25

John 6:35 Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world.…

By theophan

It's FOSS: Screen Time, цифровое благополучие с открытым кодом

У редакции It's FOSS для вас ещё одно открытое приложение, которым можно заменить привычные утилиты для отслеживания цифрового благополучия. Называется оно незамысловато – Screen Time, и в некоторых аспектах оно даже…

By Alex Semёnov

Noget om Styrelser

Styrelser er noget den statslige administration benytter sig af, og når jeg ser ordet Styrelser, får jeg efterhånden kuldegysninger, for der er da slet ikke styr på noget i disse styrelser. Det værste eksempel er…

By nesega

2024年巴沙迪納聖蹟寺舉辦恭迎燃燈古佛佛誕法會 為世界帶來光明與吉祥《華人今日網》2024年9月23日

聖蹟寺9月22日舉辦「恭迎南無燃燈古佛佛誕法會」    (本報訊)巴沙迪納市聖蹟寺(The Holy Miracles Temple)22日舉辦「恭迎南無燃燈古佛佛誕法會」,法會由世界佛教總部、聖蹟寺及聖格講堂聯合主辦,禮請華藏寺住持金釦一段聖德若慧孺尊擔任主法。…

By cultivator108

Back to Making Wine and Back to Posting

Back posting after a 9 month hiatus that included a 128 day cruise around the world. My wife, running low on her favorite wine I make for her, smiled when she mentioned that to me. After all these decades of being…

By robrose

Message of comfort ...and call ... ( CLIP)

By The Voice in The Wind.

CLIP : Audio+photo Good News message ...  …

By The Voice in The Wind.

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第六十號公告

本辦公室現把南無羌佛的說法公告如下。 南無第三世多杰羌佛說:你們世界佛教總部公告“太尊”所舉行灌頂一事,已帶至了某些人誤取方向,昨日多人找我求灌王丞法。我早已多次公開告知大家,第三世多杰羌佛只是我的名字,而我卻是一個慚愧與大家一樣的修行者,你們不要搞錯了,把“太尊”做的佛事扣在我的身上。你們總部公告的“法界無上正等頂聖王丞法”,八萬四千法門之冠,無有祂法與之論比,就是我這一世也沒有這福報法緣受到王丞法灌頂,況乎常規佛教徒,行有幾多實相虔…

By cultivator108

第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第五十九號公告

有佛弟子在恭聞南無第三世多杰羌佛的法音時,沒有聽懂佛陀說的“《藉心經說真諦》書裡面也有錯字”這句話,佛弟子錯誤理解成了《藉心經說真諦》有錯誤,說連佛陀都說《藉心經說真諦》有錯,這實在是罪過呵!現在大家記住,世界佛教教皇南無第三世多杰羌佛的《藉心經說真諦》在法義的真諦上是沒有絲毫錯誤的!是史無前例的!是至高無上的!是純正無瑕的!但是,出版社在出版打字過程中,有個別文字打錯了,好在並沒有傷害到佛陀的純正法義。 同時,個別佛弟子將凡夫眾生的書…

By cultivator108