Category: Recent
The Commander in Charge ... of the Universal High Command of The YHVH-Elohim-Forces ... speaks ...
This says The King and GOD of The Universal High Command of The YHVH-Elohim Forces : [video width="1920" height="1080"…
En ny måde at forsøge at svindle på
En bekendt ringede for lidt siden, og fortalte, at han lige var blevet ringet op af en person, der kunne oplyse, at fortrolige data om ham var tilgængelige på nettet og kunne misbruges. Mit umiddelbare svar var kort og…
By nesega
Ativei os gestos do Apple Watch
Semana passada eu estava vendo a apresentação do protótipo de óculos de realidade aumentada da Meta, o Orion, e me lembrei ao ver a pulseira que vem junto com o óculos(essa usada para interagir com o que aparece na tela…
By nunesdennis
Tip #571
Turn off Address Field Drop-Down Menu for more private browsing. Do you often show things on the web to someone sitting next to you and discover yourself thinking that you'd prefer if they couldn't see your previous…
By Vivaldi Tips
Los 5 hábitos diarios más importantes para mantener una buena salud visual
Cuidar la salud de nuestros ojos debería ser una prioridad diaria, especialmente en un mundo donde pasamos cada vez más tiempo frente a pantallas. Desarrollar buenos hábitos visuales puede ayudarnos a prevenir problemas…
By bajavision
October 08
Psalm 51:10 The psalmist wrote, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” Exodus 15:13 In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will…
By theophan
2 Peter 1
Simon Peter, a slave and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have acquired a faith as precious as ours through the righteousness of our God and the Savior Jesus Christ: May undeserved kindness and peace be…
Un encuentro en la estación de tren de Shihezi, mientras viajaba por Xinjiang, China
An encounter in Shihezi Train Station, while travelling in Xinjiang, China…
By wenhuicn
Microsoft Disability Answer Desk and a Neurodivergent Approach to Accessibility
Microsoft Disability Answer Desk and a Neurodivergent Approach to Accessibility: I don't often have good things to say about many corporations, but one seems to be serious about accessibility, while also considering,…
Sretensky Monastery Choir - Full Concert
Great music to read by or meditate to, especially as we approach the Christmas season.…
By daletucker