Category: Recent

12.11 晚报 | 以色列空袭加沙北部和中部,造成至少31名巴勒斯坦人死亡;韩国警方突击搜查总统办公室,前国防部长被捕;马里布山火肆虐 数千居民紧急撤离

TTC信号故障导致Yonge-University地铁线延误 多伦多 — TTC表示,使用Yonge-University地铁线的乘客在周三早上应预期会有延误,此前由于信号问题,从Vaughan到Finch站的服务短暂中断。常规服务已恢复,但近几周来,TTC的1号线频繁出现信号问题。这次服务中断持续了约25分钟,这是三天内第三次由于信号问题导致TTC地铁线在早晨或下午通勤期间暂时停运。…

By ontariochinese

Dec. 11, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: Regardless of your own personal difficulties and condition, you can always help someone less fortunate than yourself. Evaluate the kindness that you can extend or the time…

By blessing14

Vivaldi services' status

When you discover that one of Vivaldi's services (Sync, Webmail, etc.) is not working, check our status page to see whether there's an outage and if there is, get the latest updates about the issue.…

By Jane

December 11

Romans 12:11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Habakkuk 3:17-18 Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields…

By theophan

A Turul őrző szeme alatt

Under the watchful eye of the Turul. A Turul őrző szeme alatt.…

By Cezar

Havazás Budapesten

Snowfall in Budapest - Havazás Budapesten…

By Cezar

构建英语体系---Except & Besides

Английское строительство---Кроме того и кроме…

By Чистая Вития


こんにちは、趣味でタコスをやる中年男性と言うには作成ペースが落ちている中年男性です。この投稿はVivaldi Social(JP) 部活動/ビバ丼 Advent Calendar 2024……

By qtatsuakichaos

12.11 早报 | TikTok对加拿大政府关闭令提出法律挑战;马里布山火肆虐 数千居民紧急撤离;Dollarama 260万加元集体诉讼和解获法院批准

TikTok对加拿大政府关闭令提出法律挑战 TikTok正在对加拿大政府要求其停止在加拿大运营的命令提出挑战,称这将导致数百人失业,并可能终止其与加拿大广告客户签订的25万份合同。TikTok已于12月5日在温哥华联邦法院提交文件,寻求撤销该命令。政府在对这家中国公司进行国家安全审查后,于11月下令解散TikTok在加拿大的业务。这意味着TikTok必须关闭其在加拿大的业务,但加拿大用户仍然可以使用该应用。Justin…

By ontariochinese


Pinatubo I am pretty sure I wrote this before realising that the alignments that don’t include the sun are signals for major eruptions. My problem is that they are so few and far between that I never get a chance to be…

By qle

Un asunto de memoria

Recién me doy cuenta la experiencia que vivo a través de mi cuerpo.Es interesante observar la reacción de otros cuando trato de interactuar con ellos.Por ejemplo hoy en el banco, la chica se mostraba un poco impaciente…

By tdjmd

Freewallet issue reported by new victim of this scam

Freewallet has left yet another user frustrated and financially stranded. This story highlights how their shady practices can impact anyone who trusts their platform.…

By serhiokanzer

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