Category: Recent


Il mio vecchio blog su LiveJournal, di cui ho parlato qualche post fa, è stato censurato e chiuso. Le motivazioni, in questo caso, sono praticamente impossibili da ottenere, e non mi ci metto neppure. Sta di fatto che…

By palmbeach


Jeg har lige modtaget denne besked: Jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at det er et forsøg på svindel; men det er da påfaldende, at jeg netop har modtaget en pakke via DAO, der har været igennem tolden. Jeg tror ikke på…

By nesega

Sept. 20, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14


Dünyada hayatHayat dünyadaHerşeyi yaparım dünyadaHer yeri gezerim dünyada Bütün eserlerBütün savaşlarTatlı ve acı herşey vardır dünyada…

By nurmekki



By rindow

It's FOSS: FairEmail – открытый почтовый клиент для Android

Команда It's FOSS продолжает знакомить своих читателей с открытыми приложениями, которыми можно заменить привычные гугловские сервисы. На сей раз речь пойдёт о почтовом клиенте FairEmail. …

By Alex Semёnov

September 20

3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.…

By theophan

spectroscopic observations on 19 sept.

i could obtain 2 spectra of Be-sterren in hoge resolutie voor H-alpha gebied: EW Lac en 12 Vul

By astrobry

The Machine Readable CV

In applying for a job, I've come to realise something is missing in online job applications. A machine readable CV format.…

By lonm

Cynoglossum amabile

Cynoglossum amabile - Chinese forget-me-not or Chinese hound's tongue - Chinesische Hundszunge oder Chinesisches Vergissmeinnicht - Ebnyelvűfű…

By Cezar

GOD says : I will reveal the Truth ...

By The Voice in The Wind.