Category: Recent
Our nation needs a fundamental change of priorities
He deported those who escaped from the sword to Babylon, and they became servants to him and his sons until the rise of the Persian kingdom. This fulfilled the word of the LORD through Jeremiah, and the land enjoyed its…
By paul1149
The Start - Turning Juice into Wine
The 6 gallon fermenting buckets, having been washed and sanitized, await the addition of the bentonite clay, juice and water. The new juice kit with yeast added on top. These Island Mist kits include a flavor pac and…
By robrose
Überwindet das USA-Indien-Verhältnis sein Koma?
Ende September wird der indische Premierminister Modi zum Vierergipfel in die USA reisen, bei dem er sein Land mit den USA, Australien und Japan vertreten wird. Die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Indien befinden sich…
By funken
Give Me Jesus Fernando Ortega with the Rexburg Children's Choir sing Give Me Jesus…
By jannipea
Vivaldi now available as Snap
We've cared about the Linux Community since the beginning! 🐧 We'll continue to provide the same packaging options we've always had available, and hope to reach even more Linux users by including a Snap package for those…
By María
September 25
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world.…
By theophan
It's FOSS: Screen Time, цифровое благополучие с открытым кодом
У редакции It's FOSS для вас ещё одно открытое приложение, которым можно заменить привычные утилиты для отслеживания цифрового благополучия. Называется оно незамысловато – Screen Time, и в некоторых аспектах оно даже…
By Alex Semёnov
Noget om Styrelser
Styrelser er noget den statslige administration benytter sig af, og når jeg ser ordet Styrelser, får jeg efterhånden kuldegysninger, for der er da slet ikke styr på noget i disse styrelser. Det værste eksempel er…
By nesega
2024年巴沙迪納聖蹟寺舉辦恭迎燃燈古佛佛誕法會 為世界帶來光明與吉祥《華人今日網》2024年9月23日
聖蹟寺9月22日舉辦「恭迎南無燃燈古佛佛誕法會」 (本報訊)巴沙迪納市聖蹟寺(The Holy Miracles Temple)22日舉辦「恭迎南無燃燈古佛佛誕法會」,法會由世界佛教總部、聖蹟寺及聖格講堂聯合主辦,禮請華藏寺住持金釦一段聖德若慧孺尊擔任主法。…
Back to Making Wine and Back to Posting
Back posting after a 9 month hiatus that included a 128 day cruise around the world. My wife, running low on her favorite wine I make for her, smiled when she mentioned that to me. After all these decades of being…
By robrose
Message of comfort ...and call ... ( CLIP)