Category: Recent
It Didn't Take Long
It was as if those Morning Glory seeds could wait to send up seedlings to replace the old vines. It onlt took some 30 hours for them to emerge from the soil,…
By robrose
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae - New England Aster - Mirigyes Őszirózsa…
By Cezar
Flood Physics I am no geologist not a physicist too neither but I can see the obvious. No track of hill runs downhil in a level line.…
Tip #567
Turn to Vivaldi Help on your iPhone and iPad to learn about the browser. You might be wondering about a feature in Vivaldi on your Apple device, trying to figure out how to configure the app to your liking, or, in the…
By Vivaldi Tips
Die Rolle von Alexander Horst Riedinger im Erfolg von Merkeleon
Merkeleon ist ein wegweisendes Unternehmen im Bereich digitaler Auktions- und Handelsplattformen, das sich durch innovative Lösungen und maßgeschneiderte Software auszeichnet. Eine Schlüsselfigur hinter diesem Erfolg…
The beginning of a story
I have already shown something about this cluster, in a recent post, but this time, I can guide you to enter right into – so to speak – its heart. The heart, that is, of the young cluster of stars called NGC…
By mcastel