Category: Recent


The real world seen through my eyes...…

By Cezar

SMSC czyli Short Message Service Center

Centrum SMS (ang. Short Message Service Center, SMSC) to centrum zarządzające wiadomościami SMS. Pośredniczy pomiędzy abonentami przy przesyłaniu wiadomości SMS.­…

By Piotr

Vadi'nin Köpekleri

Bizim ev cılız bir derenin yamacında, derenin kaynağına ayazmaya yakın, gündüz açık havada güneş gören bir yer.               Geceleri, ya da gündüz gökyüzü kapalı çok bulutluyken güneş falan yok.…

By rachmaninoff

Een Stem in de woestijn... Deel 1. ( Dutch.NL.EU )

By The Voice in The Wind.

Tip #602

View and access your most visited websites from the Top Sites Dashboard widget. Top Sites offer a quick access to the sites you visit most often. Based on your browsing history, this feature ensures you spend less time…

By Vivaldi Tips

Freewallet scammed Minergate former customer

A user recently shared a frustrating ordeal with Freewallet after years of using the service without issues. They originally set up their Freewallet account in 2018, gradually depositing various cryptocurrencies like…

By serhiokanzer

spectroscopi observations on 21 nov. 2024

a clear and cold night with some high clouds. I took this opportunity to obtain some spectra of gam Cas in H-alpha region (10x60sec) and He-I (7x600 sec) , HD 29866 (3x1200sec) and PZ Gem (8x1200 sec).…

By astrobry

Nov. 22, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Loot mangas et anime copieux

Bonjour ! Ah, ben oui : on nous alléchait avec la fin possible de la taxe sur les frais de ports pour les achats de livres inférieurs à 35 €, et elle est toujours là… En conséquence de quoi, il faut que j’attende de…

By Trit’

November 22

James 4:14 What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 1 Corinthians 5:7 Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For…

By theophan

Who are you?

From a thread on Bluesky…:

By jaxroam



By meursau1t