Category: Recent


The real world seen through my eyes. How on earth do you want anyone to respect you if you can't respect yourself? How on earth do you want anyone to love you if you can't love yourself?…

By Cezar

Бесплатные ВПН

Установка, настройка vpn клиента…

By openall

Cactus Photo Browser

Hi, I introduce my very small project that I decide to describe in my blog as first entry. I come up with idea of image browser when I dowloaded picture from diferent devices like camera, mobile phone etc. into my home…

By kaktus30

my November gear

11月はあまり買わないようにとは思ったのです。本当に… AVIOT TE-Q3 最小クラスの実力が見たいと思って購入。AVIOTのものは概ね取り出しにくい。…

By rindow


It was not in Wotan's nature to linger on and show signs of old age. He simply disappeared when the times turned against him, and remained invisible for more than a thousand years, working anonymously and…

By Cezar

Inkscape - hvad er det?

I gamle dage (i forrige århundrede) ville man have kaldt Inkscape for et Desk Top Publishing program, så det er altså et program, hvori man kan fremstille forskellige granske illustrationer, plakater o.s.v. Programmet,…

By nesega

Sådan laver du et klip i Inkscape gennemsigtigt

For at gøre et klip i Inkscape gennemsigtigt, skal du bruge en teknik kaldet "masking". Masking giver dig mulighed for at kontrollere, hvilke dele af et objekt der skal være synlige, og i hvilken…

By nesega


Hello,world テスト投稿です。…

By youknowme

Tip #608

Export saved passwords from Vivaldi on Android. When you need to move passwords from one place to another and Vivaldi Sync is not an option, doing it in bulk is definitely faster than copying the login credentials over…

By Vivaldi Tips

Dec. 2, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14