Category: Recent


皆様こんにちはorはじめまして。湯呑みと申します。 普段は気の向くままにVivaldi Social(通称ビバ丼)に顔を出して、美味しそうな写真を見て夕飯のメニューを決めたり、ネタ投稿に乗っかってみたり、気ままにビバ丼を楽しませていただいています。…

By youknowme

For a Better Web, Ep. 04

The latest episode of our podcast is now out! In this episode, Bruce’s guest is Léonie Watson, accessibility advocate, co-chair of W3C WebApps Working Group, and Chair of the Board of Directors at W3C.…

By Jane

#4 Léonie Watson – For a Better Web

In this episode, Bruce’s guest is Léonie Watson, accessibility advocate, co-chair of W3C WebApps Working Group, and Chair of the Board of Directors at W3C.

By Jane

Dr. George Brennan - Cosmetic Surgeon Newport Beach

400 Newport Center Dr #100, Newport Beach, CA 92660, United States…Call Us: +1 949-644-1641

By drgeorgebrennan

December 02

Psalm 119:97 The psalmist wrote, “Oh, how I love your law! It is my meditation all day long.” Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He…

By theophan

Loot lecture et JV du 01/12/2024

Bonjour tout le monde ! Comment allez-vous ? Ici ça va, le temps dehors se rafraîchit dnc le plaid à manches est ressorti, sinon tout continue de se passer comme d'habitude. Dernière ligne droite commencée pour Noël,…

By hakenbrowning

Dominican Republic 2024

My wife Lisa and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on October 23, 2024. Our good friends (like family) Sandy Ewing and Jennifer Parton will have their 25th anniversary coming up next April 28, 2025. We love…

By prstebbi


Kocadağ' dan akıp gelen, Melek hanımın evinin yanında çeşme olmuş su kaynağı... Tapu kadastro oraları 'çeşmegözü' diye işaretlemiş. Dağın tepesindeki radar istasyonuna Melek abla "askerî nadar" diyor, çeşmenin suyu…

By rachmaninoff

Freewallet fees is a way to scam clients

Freewallet has been accused of engaging in deceptive practices, particularly KYC (Know Your Customer) fraud, to unlawfully seize user funds. Customers often report being blocked from accessing their wallets after…

By serhiokanzer

Die Heimreise - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Singapur & Frankfurt

Nach nahezu drei erlebnisreichen Monaten in Australien, Neuseeland und Vietnam stand der Flug zurück nach Deutschland an. Die Rückreise war zwar lang, verlief aber ohne Probleme, so dass wir pünktlich am Mittwochabend…

By Sven

Créer un compte associatif sur son ordinateur personnel. 

Pour consulter avec le compte Google de votre association, connectez vous à ce compte Google Chrome depuis votre ordinateur personnel. Cliquez ensuite sur l'icône de profil située dans le coin supérieur droit de la…

By gantoine

مجالات اینترنتی

معرفیمجله اینترنتی صبح ( عصر دیجیتال بسیاری از صنایع از جمله صنعت نشر مجلات را مختل کرده است. مجلات سنتی با یک چالش مواجه شده اند: انتشارات دیجیتال. مجله اینترنتی از زمان ظهور تبلت ها و گوشی های هوشمند شروع…

By magle98

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