Category: Recent

History of the Earth

200000 BC/ca. 40,000 years ago to 1783 A.D. – Mission to Earth/The previous versions of Fry, Bender and Professor Farnsworth watch the Neanderthals in North America killed by Paleo-Indians (in one reality, they do not…

By oldfreebie

Tip #550

Choose whether you want to see absolute or relative dates in Vivaldi Mail. Like the browser, Vivaldi Mail can be customized to the smallest nuance. For example, you can display the received/sent date for all messages…

By Vivaldi Tips

BBC micro:bit

Aktuelles Projekt: Magnop Microbit V2…

By pa8815

Мэттью Грин о сквозном шифровании в Telegram

На фоне ареста Павла Дурова и возможной конфискации европейских серверов Telegram многие задумались о сохранности своей переписки. Стоит ли её сохранить её локально или лучше полностью стереть? Действительно ли…

By Alex Semёnov

Le fonti della Privacy

Di seguito un breve e…

By #

Privacy Killers - Il post ti tradisce

Durov tradito involontariamente dai selfies di Vavilova? …

By #

Aug. 27, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14


My top 4 Vivaldi features are:…

By Jane

August 27

Lamentations 3:22-23 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.…

By theophan

Latest UK Govt.

With the latest British Government, it might be an idea to read and inwardly digest the following: Former Police Officer Exposes Two-Tier Policing What do you do if you…

By weatherlawyer

Huta-Certeze Monastery

The Huta-Certeze Monastery (Mănăstirea Huta-Certeze in Romanian) is an orthodox monastery in the village of Moișeni (Mózesfalu in Hungarian), about 2 kilometers (in direct line) from the border with Ukraine, in the Satu…

By Cezar