Category: Recent
How to remove client sender IP from postfix
There may have different methods to implement this feature. But I use the way from answer from serverfault.…
By fenghe
Spremuta amara al gusto privacy
Il costo sociale della sorveglianza, dello spionaggio e monitoraggio dei cittadini, viene scarico su interi popoli come esternalità negative dalle corporazioni, con il nome di Carbon Tax, commettendo un duplice…
By #
September 04
Acts 9:4-5 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?" 5 "Who are You, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," He replied.…
By theophan
It's FOSS: 6 фишек браузера Firefox
Firefox – главный браузер для большинства линуксоидов, а вот главным браузером для всех остальных до сих пор остаётся Google Chrome. Ищем аргументы в споре о том, почему вашим друзьям тоже стоит присмотреться к…
By Alex Semёnov
Aktien News 09/2024
Neue Rubrik mit News zu meinen Aktien: David Golub (CEO) hat gerade 100.000 Shares von GBDC gekauft, ich will auch noch 100 kaufen, hoffentlich sind noch welche da...…
By frankimharz
Dividenden News 09/2024
TCAP Thanachart erhöht von 1,20 THB auf 1,25 THB die 1/2 Jahres Dividende EUNY, iShare EM Div. ETF, hält Quartalsdividende : 0,3817 US$ in Q3 2024 nach 0,3788 $ in Q3,2023, besser als erwartet. …
By frankimharz
Tierra del Fuego
I know so little about the region that I prefer to believe the land of smoke was named for its misty weather. The region holds Cape Horn which is why.…
There is a light...
On a walk near Okehampton, Devon, came across this tunnel under the main road. It's main function is to allow cattle to be moved from one field to another safely, but also part of the cycle and walking path.…
By davidlewis