Category: Recent
Installation af Windows 11 med RUFUS
Rufus er et værktøj, der hjælper med at formatere og skabe startbare USB-stiks.Rufus adskiller sig fra Windows medieoprettelsesværktøjet på flere måder. Med Rufus kan du:…
By nesega
Left and Right are Pointless for Politics
One of the most common phrases that comes up when I hear people talking politics is Left and Right. 'They're far left', 'they're extreme right', 'I'm a centrist'. I think that these ideas have not only run their course,…
By lonm
Kisbánya Monastery
Chiuzbaia (Kisbánya in Hungarian) is a remote community nested in the middle of the mountains, part of the town of Baia Sprie (Felsőbánya), Maramureș, Northern Romania. It has around 650 inhabitants and its name…
By Cezar
Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying - Ars Technica [2024-09-12]
One of the things enterprise storage and destruction company Iron Mountain does is handle the archiving of the media industry's vaults. What it has been seeing lately should be a wake-up call: roughly one-fifth of the…
By canadianguy
Tip #562
Switch between Reply and Reply All as you're drafting the email message. When you're writing a reply email, do you sometimes reassess and decide that instead of replying to just the sender you should send the email to…
By Vivaldi Tips
Starcross Academy Notes 1
As I work on creating this new and exciting world and serial fiction project, I've decided that I'm going to share some of my notes as I go! Why not, right? None of these notes will be designed to 'spoil' the series.…
By Will
September 12
Psalm 119:144 CEB The psalmist wrote, “Your laws are righteous forever. Help me understand so I can live!”…
By theophan
Nagybánya from Bulat Hill
In this article you can see some views from the Bulat Hill (Dealul Bulat in Romanian, at a maximum altitude of 683 meters) towards Baia Mare (the city itself at an elevation of 228 meters above the sea level). As a…
By Cezar
Winter Fuel Payments are Economically Necessary
The UK Government has ruffled some feathers recently as the new incoming Labour Party have decided to stop issuing universal winter fuel allowances for pensioners. The payments which offer assistance with paying heating…
By lonm