Category: Recent

Sept. 16, 24

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:…

By blessing14

Tip #564

Grab a recently downloaded file and drag-and-drop it where it needs to go. In the Vivaldi Browser, you can drag files directly from the Downloads Panel or the Downloads Popup to your desktop, a folder, or even into an…

By Vivaldi Tips

Weiter gen Norden - Fraser Coast & Mackay

Auf dem Weg nach Hervey Bay haben wir uns für einen Zwischenstop am Lake Cootharaba entschieden. Dort gibt es eine von weltweit zwei Everglades (neben dem deutlich bekannteren in Florida), welche wir mit dem Kanu…

By Sven

September 16

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.…

By theophan

Master vs Main - Building Better Branches

A few years back some of the bigger tech companies decided to start changing the terminology that they use to make it more incluse and accurate. In many cases I think these are good choices, like moving away from…

By lonm

The Hidden Cost of Beauty: Exploring the Link Between Appearance and Financial Independence In a world increasingly driven by image and perception, the concept of beauty has taken on a new dimension. The movie "Uglies" presents a dystopian future where…

By duckcapitalknow

Stabbed-Up Gary – A Heartwarming Story from Exile

On a Sunday in April, a few years back, on my first visit to the friendly city of Harrisonburg Virginia, I met a man named Gary.  At that time in my life, I immersed myself in selfless service to others. It seemed, that…

By OutOfExile_IDR § Blog

GOD SPEAKS ... to the prophets of this Endtime - Last Days ...  …

By The Voice in The Wind.

Prophecy and revealing message and preaching about Endtime ...

By The Voice in The Wind.

Google Maps - de bedste funktioner

Her følger en liste over nogle af de bedste funktioner i Google Maps: Zoom ind med én fingerNormalt bruges 2 fingre for at zoome ind eller ud i Google Maps; men du kan faktisk zomme ind og ud ved hjælp af én finger. Tap…

By nesega


今日のテーマは、一言で言えば救いです。対象は全人類です。しかし、災害下にあるとか犯罪に巻き込まれていない限り、あなたは救われますという風に言われて悪い気持ちはしないにしても、一体何から救われる必要があるのか?と疑問が湧き起こってきます。何から救われ、この点について聖書は何と述べているか?始めにこのことを考えたいと思います。 「その時,世界の始めから今まで起きたことがなく, いえ,二度と起きないような大患難があるからです」。…

By ky25

Sept. 15, 24

The Trumpet by Bill Burns:…

By blessing14