Category: Recent
Güzel bir bahçede bir tırtıl vardı. Bıkkın bıkkın yerlerde sürünüyordu. Havada uçuşan rengarenk kelebekeleri görünce “Ah! Keşke ben de uçabilseydim” derdi. Onu duyan kelebekler gülmeye başladı: “Ha ha ha, sen…
By nurmekki
October 05
John 8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought…
By theophan
أشهر أقوال أبراهام لينكولن
1-الدجاجة هي أذكى الحيوانات، فهي تصيح بعد أن تضع البيضة. 2-أنا أسير ببطء لكنني لا أسير إلى الخلف أبداً.…
チ。-地球の運動について- 5分でわかるアニメ『チ。 ―地球の運動について―』 不正解は、無意味を意味しない…
By duna0323
Thunderbird og Microsofts nye godkendelsesmetoder
Mozilla Thunderbird understøtter Microsofts nye godkendelsesmetoder, herunder OAuth212. For at sikre, at din Thunderbird-mailklient fungerer korrekt med Microsofts tjenester, skal du ændre godkendelsesmetoden til…
By nesega
Tip #569
Browse all topics you or another Vivaldi Community member has started on the Vivaldi Forum. Are you looking for an old topic you started, or have you come across a forum user, who has started an interesting discussion,…
By Vivaldi Tips
C'è Fantasy e Fantasy
A volerla dire con una perifrasi, si potrebbe intendere la nostra epoca come tripudio di un atteggiamento di iper-semplificazione dicotomica che, a fronte di un'oggettiva esplosione della complessità di ogni ordine,…
By palmbeach