Category: Recent

Am I loaded up with medicines ?

Previous illnesses… Congenital atrial septal defect Anaphylaxis caused by COVID-19 vaccination


Loot mangas de janvier

Bonjour ! Oui, je mets carrément « de janvier », parce que je doute d’en recevoir beaucoup d’autres pour ce mois-ci… Mais voyons déjà ce qui est arrivé aujourd’hui :…

By Trit’


Spokój to kłamstwo, jest tylko pasja. Dzięki pasji, osiągam siłę.…

By deniart

Małe radości

"Zachowaj tylko te wspomnienia, które dają ci radość." Jane Austen, Duma i uprzedzenie…

By deniart

Oko Chaosu

Spojrzenie na chaotyczny, abstrakcyjny świat.

By deniart

Aktivering af MS Office pakke købt hos

Hvis du har anskaffet din Office licens fra anden sælger end Microsoft, skal du følge denne vejledning. Afinstaller tidligere versioner af Microsoft Office (hvis du har en).…

By nesega

1.23 晚报: 环境加拿大警告GTA周三早晨体感温度或达-35°C;安大略省长Doug Ford可能因美关税威胁提前举行选举;Sheppard West至Lawrence West地铁服务因电力轨道损坏暂停

多伦多警方更新去年Queen West街区枪战情况 多伦多警方调查人员于周四召开新闻发布会,分享关于去年两伙人在市中心交火的详细信息,当时卧底警察被卷入了交火中。2024年11月11日晚,Queen Street W.和Sudbury…

By torontochinesenews


We’re really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete it or keep it saved as a…

By yase

1.23 晚报 | 泰国迎来首批同性婚姻登记,婚姻平等法正式生效;士嘉堡火灾导致婴儿死亡,39岁男子被控纵火;安大略省Orillia历史建筑火灾被怀疑人为纵火

泰国迎来首批同性婚姻登记,婚姻平等法正式生效 泰国周四成为东南亚首个举行合法同性婚礼的国家,2SLGBTQ+群体计划在一天内完成超过1000对婚姻登记。泰国是继台湾和尼泊尔之后,亚洲第三个合法化同性婚姻的地区,新的婚姻平等法于周四生效。…

By ontariochinese

Jan. 23, 25

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns: This is a new day. Life has seemed to be more difficult, and sometimes even impossible, but you can and will rise above your disappointment and discouragement. Renew your…

By blessing14

Минлэчэн Общественный центр Хуэйнань не одобряет свидетельство о браке из Шанхая

上海市浦东新区惠南镇民乐社区不认可外地结婚证 Minle Community Center of Huinan, Shanghai doesn't approve Wedding Certificate out of Shanghai…

By wenhuicn

Matthias House

The Matthias Corvinus House in Cluj-Napoca, built in the 15th century. Matthias Corvinus (Hunyadi Mátyás), son of John Hunyadi and one of the most renowned Kings of Hungary, was born in this building in the year…

By Cezar