Category: Miscellaneous

M1 Mac mini買ったった

こんにちは。Mac mini買いました。色々あったので報告します。速いぜ軽いぜ最高だぜというお話ではないので、もし参考になる人がいれば。 こういうリサーチは購入前にするのが賢いよね。 色おかしい、画面ぼけぼけ(YUVリミテッドレンジ)問題…

By shu

Brazil has a social media to compete with Twitter

No, you did not read wrong. Brazil has a social network that competes with Twitter. Of course, it is not a social network created by the Brazilian government, but created by a Brazilian (and it has great potential)…

By andresribeiro

Silver Mist in Eternity

“Serenity” whispers the silver creek as it slides by. Clear waters slowly twirl beneath the glassy ripples. Twigs bob and twist, yielding to the gentle flow. Brush, trees, rocks, and ferns, reflected by the…

By luke22

First post

Everything is improved with fantastic vivaldi!

By amdz

Static versus dynamic, investing versus trading

In many of previous posts, I highlighted the necessity of asymmetric trading ie. a reward/ risk ratio that is as big as possible. Even in today's very complicated markets, with millions of news per minutes, the random…

By Dragon Trader

Welcome to Blog

I have a blog! Yep, but it's Vivaldi. I started from a X-Mas present giving me the domain I was satisfied but wished if it could be even though it was already taken.…

By namer707

Info für Solo-Selbstständige

ver.di organisiert bereits seit ihrer Gründung 2001 Solo-Selbstständige. Zur Zeit sind das bundesweit 30.000 Kolleg*innen aus allen Dienstleistungsbranchen – vor allem in Medien, Kunst und Kultur, aber auch…

By ralfb

Dziwne sny.

Dość często miewam dziwne sny. Dawno temu, kiedy mojej kuzynce zachciało się wyjść za mąż, przyśniło mi się, że przyszła do mnie i swoją halkę powiesiła na klamce drzwi w przedpokoju. Tej nocy, przyśniła mi się…

By Totylkoja

Smoothed Array/Lessons Learned

So I took a little time to smooth out the spline, and learned something: check the output of the functions you use. I was getting an error that POV-Ray was trying to use an xyz vector as a uv vector, which it apparently…

By matthew.cherry