Category: Miscellaneous

Jó 9,8-10

  A natureza dispensa apresentações no que diz respeito à sua encantadora beleza exuberante que, ainda por cima, é acompanhada de todos os outros benefícios que nos dá além desta beleza. Quem crê em Deus vê…

By mrclmlt

I Had Failed to Consider Fall

This line moved in and out of my mind for a few days—here's the now accompanying poem: It was not what I saw but what gave way...Not what gave way but what did not...So the pale moon sets forththe night so long…

By gracema

Any advice for a first time conference-goer?

I’m going to my first conference next month, and am looking for some general tips and advice from experienced conference-goers on how to get the most out of it. The conference is in Rome, which I’ve never been to, so…

By nfdiego

Speaker A

Speaker A.…

By nfdiego


我在夢中收到一張邀請函並隨著函上指示前往一棟陌生的建築物。進去之後卻發現是我住處的房間?仔細看發現不對勁,雖然是陳設幾乎和我的房間一樣,卻多了不該有的東西,書櫃的縫隙塞滿了乾癟、快要壞掉的南瓜,地板上有不知道是誰的牛仔長褲。這不是我的房間。 有個人衝進來把我拉出那個房間。…

By surrealcafe


夢裡的文明毀滅了,地表變成滿是廢墟的不毛之地,了無生機,杳無人煙。原以為人類也滅絕了,夢中的畫面一轉來到地底深處,有群人類躲在地底的避難空間裡生活。 2020年9月26日…

By surrealcafe


夢中一名巫師在路上搭訕了一個人,帶那個人到一棟電梯大樓的頂層,一間貨櫃大小的房間。房間沒有任何窗戶,牆面、地板和天花板抹了一層厚厚的黑炭,漆黑的房間裡唯一個光源是地板中央的燭光,蠟燭旁邊擺了蠟製的人偶和樹枝編制的物品,地面上隱約可以看到畫了某種圖形。 巫師請那個人在房間裡等一下,他說儀式用的祭品忘了拿,他去拿過來。但是巫師一踏出房間,就把房門反鎖,將那個人鎖在房裡,並在房裡放火。原來巫師的口中的祭品就是那個人。巫師已經用同樣的方式誘拐過…

By surrealcafe

Details, Details...

Well, more polishing on the lantern; I'm really itching to be done with this, but I don't want to leave it unfinished. This is for the mechanism that lifts the globe up in order to light the wick. I'll be adding a wire…

By matthew.cherry