Category: Miscellaneous

Loot lecture et vidéo du 06/09/2020

Bonjour à tous ! Comment allez-vous ? Ici on a bouclé la première semaine de retour de vacances, on reprend les bonnes vieilles habitudes. Chez soi, avec des gens qui donnent pas de boulot, on se fait chier... Bref,…

By hakenbrowning

Shameless Self-Advertising

TODAY IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION date of A Limerickal Commentary on the Second Vatican Council, a recent little labour of love of mine. It publishes for the first time a typescript set of limericks written by…

By Hugh Somerville Knapman

And a Handle to Hold It By...

Ok, so it looks kind of wonky, but I just wanted to get something up there at least. I'll have to add a few points to straighten it all out, but so far, so good.…

By matthew.cherry

As duas narrativas

   Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash…

By mrclmlt

This Week in Idiot White Men …

This is a series that should write itself really. There are so many of us white guys out there, and so many are just complete idiots.…

By davidlewis

Alegria alheia

A tristeza não pode ser tratada como uma erva daninha inconveniente que se infiltra no jardim das nossas felicidades, mas precisa ser cultivada como um dos sentimentos que, tal como os outros, é resultado da…

By mrclmlt

У Линукс фондацији не користе Линукс?! (видео)

Линуксирање без познавања бар основа енглеског напросто не иде. Зато сам слободан да пренесем видео једног од најактивнијих - и медијски најписменијих - сличномишљеника, Дерека Тејлора. Овај његов рад за тему има…

By acojovanovic


ブラウザを導入した記念(?)にブログでもやってみようかなと思い作ってはみたけれど、何をテーマにして書いていこうか、今のところ定まっておらず。。 今の時代、ツイッターがはやっていてブログを見る機会も少なくなってしまった気がする。私はツイッターよりもブログの方が落ち着いて綴れるので好きなのだけど。取り敢えず、徒然なるままに書いていこうと思います。…

By clef1

The Only Perfect Living Sacrifice...

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation :…

By The Voice in The Wind.


2020-09-03 作成

By few00001


2020-09-03 作成

By few00001

São Gregório Magno

Imagem: Wikimedia…

By mrclmlt