Category: Miscellaneous

The sun is shining

Music,happy people,waking up in a sauna of a tent and wishing I was dead, My god I miss that orange feeling. Roskilde Festival, I hope I see you soon…

By legendsneverdie

Hello! Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my portfolio. I hope you like what you see. …

By atsotsos

A Web of Spirals How do you know anything? For instance: How do you know millionaires are not conning you into building weapons for them, to heat the planet to rob…

By Weatherlawyer

Mother Nature Code

1st faze: defrosting everything2nd faze: heating everything3rd faze: frosting everything4th faze: go to 1st faze

By ipristy

Back to the Office.......?

Well, it happened. After some initial positive vibes about continuing to work from home, it now appears that the company is backtracking and wanting people to come back to the office. They say that people will continue…

By rmknutson

Massive tornado 8th June, following 3rd June eruption

Analysis shows a volcano right at the brink of eruption. Note the position of the Anticyclones north and south on the same longitude. High on Greenland. How long has it been there?…

By Weatherlawyer

Malutka satysfakcja.

Odwróciłem, role. Jeden z moich znajomych, zawsze musi być mądrzejszy. I do tego na każdy temat. Kiedyś tłumaczyłem mu dlaczego nie można zrobić pewnego rodzaju zdjęcia i podawałem przyczyny. On wyrażał przeciwną opinię…

By Totylkoja


ようやくwifiが使える!結論はこれで終わりなんです。ただ、ゴタゴタに。 前はスマホとタブレット契約していたsimを外し、wifi機器にさして低速ですが家でネットを使っていた。…

By tohikia195

Europe's Cookie Consent

This is an interesting article on Tech Crunch how companies persuade you to accept all cookies by making it as difficult as possible to reject all cookies while it’s always one click to accept. Europe’s cookie consent…

By davidlewis

Nikon D3500

J'ai longtemps caressé l'espoir de m'offrir un Reflex numérique, puis décidé de passer le pas mon choix se porte sur le Nikon D3500, un reflex idéal pour les débutants et aussi pour se faire la main, et la semaine…

By Olivier

new phone = new capacity

i have too many dumbdevices, though.

By bolhuisbe

So uh.

Welcome to the Corner. I've always wanted to have this, I guess. I've always been passionate about the things I'm interested in, and sharing my thoughts has been something i like to do. When I was a…