Category: Miscellaneous

Die Besten Tools für Angular Entwicklung

Die besten Tools für die Angular-Entwicklung In diesem Beitrag betrachten wir drei Kategorien von Tools, die Angular-Entwicklern helfen können, besser aussehende und funktionierende Webanwendungen zu…

By chudovoteam

Religião e cultura

Uma religião inevitavelmente produz algum tipo de cultura, tanto quanto reproduzirá alguma cultura. No caso do cristianismo, alguns elementos da cultura religiosa onde ele surgiu foram mantidos nos primórdios, como a…

By mrclmlt

Urban Exploration

Tenho me interessado pelos aventureiros urbanos. Acompanho um canal chamado baka gaijin, de um brasileiro no japão. As explorações dele são impensáveis aqui no brasil, mas deixam com vontade.…

By divaldir

Paradigm Shifts

I had come to understand how it was that alcoholics and drug addicts (at least in the most rude and base understanding of addictions to help our readers understand how broad and vast the definition of addictions…

By heliosstardeath2

A Summer Evening

The secret garden Sitting in a beautiful English garden on a warm summer evening in July. The honey-coloured stone of the ruins of the old house are bathed in warm evening light and glow like gold. Behind the wall, in…

By toomuchrose


Gosto muito da estética das redes sociais da Pietra Príncipe. Chama pela nudez/sensualidade, mas faz um flow de cotidiano (ônibus janela chuva pichação) que chega a ser hipnótico.…

By divaldir

Night portrait

View on Instagram

By davidlewis

What will happen to the vaccinated ones... Testimony and warning by Dr. Sean Brooks...…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture debuts in Moscow

Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture debuts in Moscow…

By rgrichardson

Days... like the days of Noah...

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation : …

By The Voice in The Wind.

Test Intro

By sflorg