Category: Miscellaneous

As mulheres ao pé da Cruz

Sabemos que Tu nos ama, Senhor, mas não sentimos esse amor e isso nos enlouquece Tradução (feita pelo tradutor do Google) do texto da 13ª estação da Via Crucis do Vaticano no dia 15 de abril (que está no livreto mas…

By mrclmlt

The Big Match

I've only seen Rapid Bucharest play twice. The first time they beat Steaua 5-1, tonight they won 8-0. If you like Rapid, feel free to pay me to attend every games, I'm clearly a good luck charm.…

By davidlewis

Het Mysterion / Geheimenis van 1 Kor. 15... De Opname... Boodschap door God's Genade via Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

For my new blog about Old Roads in Northern Gwynedd go to

By johnbyde

"Kurz-Übersicht des Evangeliums..." Botschaft durch Gottes Gnade durch Jean Schoonbroodt.Nl. EU.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Ver, ouvir e falar

A Páscoa não acontece para consolar intimamente quem chora a morte de Jesus, mas para abrir de par em par os corações ao anúncio extraordinário da vitória de Deus sobre o mal e a morte As mulheres veem. O primeiro…

By mrclmlt


By romain2022


Whatever you do is done either, because you plan on existing for the next moment or because you don't. …

By privacykiller

God adresses the nations and tribes of the earth...

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel to the nations and tribes of the earth in these last days before His return to the earth in the Image of His holy and beloved and glorified Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos /…

By The Voice in The Wind.


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By davidlewis