Category: Miscellaneous

Serious words of GOD to Israel, the nations and the Global Elite...

This says GOD YHVH to Israel and to the surrounding nations... and to the Global Elite :…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Hello to you :)

Welcome to your new Blog! We're really excited to see what you do with it. This private post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete…

By narga

Words of GOD... to the prophet EL-I-JaH...

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, the Almighty One :…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Welcome to my corner of the internet!

Thanks for visiting my blog! As I write this, the place is rather empty and bland, but hopefully by the time you read this, it is much less so.…

By prmenon

A great message to save many... to reveal reality... Endtime... false prophet... and the Beast... Message by : Jean ( = John) MP Schoonbroodt. NL . EU. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Some wise words...

Words by : The Voice in The Wind / The Candle ... on / Jean Schoonbroodt@The7Candles…

By The Voice in The Wind.

Prawidłowa analiza.

Na jednym z moich blogów usiłowano mi wmówić, że czarne jest białe. Ale to się nie udało i po mojej ostatniej odpowiedzi zapadła cisza. Powinienem mieć jakiś czas spokój z osobą trollującą. To kolejna próba zaprzeczania…

By Totylkoja


This says GOD YHVH to the nations, who are on the Broad Road to eternal destruction by their unbelief and disobedience to My Holy Reign and words and Thora :…

By The Voice in The Wind.