Category: Miscellaneous

The Origins of Value & Evolution

The concept of value is a fundamental concept in economics, finance, and business. The value of goods and services is what determines their worth and how they are priced in the marketplace. But where does the value…

By vinvalue

Flavour Supplier: Elevating Culinary Experiences with Food Flavouring

The world of gastronomy is a symphony of taste and aroma, where culinary artisans craft dishes that not only nourish the body but also tantalize the senses. Key to this sensory delight is the art of flavouring. Food…

By upbusiness

Amar a Deus sobre todas as coisas e de todo coração

Jesus disse que o maior mandamento é amar a Deus, nada é mais importante que isso. O que significa que Ele reina acima de todas as coisas, acima de todo sentimento. Que Ele deve ser a prioridade em nossas vidas. Que Ele…

By alcirlima

Tierra Bola de Nieve: Catástrofes Prehistóricas

Humano y animales, todos los seres vivos de la Tierra estamos aquí gracias al azar. El 99% de las especies de nuestro planeta desaparecieron en una serie de catástrofes, desastres que cambiaron el curso de la evolución.…

By Paco Gil

This blog

I'm not entirely sure that I will use this site for my blog. My Social Links are below if you are interested.…

By bainstor

La Tierra Bola de Nieve

¿Qué causó el supuesto mayor evento de glaciación en la historia de la Tierra conocido como ‘Tierra Bola de Nieve’?…

By Paco Gil

GOD's grace and love and truth is still active...

This says GOD to the nations and tribes of the earth in these last days :…

By The Voice in The Wind.



By qk247

Salmone Bulloni e Soda Caustica: ovvero il Caso "Creators - the Past" e cosa può insegnarci

Di solito preferisco parlare di ciò che mi piace, e molto difficilmente di ciò che non mi piace. A meno che non si tratti di un articolo che decido di scrivere funzionalmente contro qualcosa, per ragioni che ritengo…

By palmbeach

Isaiah 41:10

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.Isaiah 41:10 …

By Bible4Reasoning

Forsøk nr 8

Det går no framover litt om senn Rett før avreise til påskefjellet 2023…

By sveinove

More, more, more

The world is constantly telling you that the path to a better life is more, more, more buy more, own more, make more, fuck more, be more. …

By Toontje