Category: Personal

Como buscar solo PDFs en Google

Alguna vez has querido buscar solo archivos PDFs en Google pero en las búsquedas te salen cualquier tipo de contenido ? o incluso alguna páginas web que indican contener un archivo PDF pero luego te piden que para poder…

By santiagoflores


WYSIWYG or What You See Is What You Get is a famous acronym used quite frequently in the Internet parlance. However, though it may be true in case of most things including the world wide web and human beings in general,…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Too Lazy & Laid Back

Realized that NANOWRIMO is not for me, just like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others are not for me. Maybe it works out for many out there (hats off to them !), but it doesn't work for me. Inspiration does not come…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay

Geografías del cine. Ejercicios críticos


By negroco

November Notes

November didn't begin on a great note. I was assailed by a temporary writer's block which led me to lose a few precious days. Having recovered from the above, I intend to give my fullest to this month. There are three…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay


SMXADREZ é um blog que acompanha a centenária história do xadrez em Santa Maria no Rio Grande do Sul. O BLOG DO PROFESSOR FÁBIO contém uma miscelânia de posts e muita história.…

By ProfFábio

An interesting story

I must stop to talk a little more about Vivaldi, because I find him extraordinary even in certain details, something that is not often lingered on. For example, a really intriguing thing for me is watching how Vivaldi…

By mcastel

Tunisia - Self Isolating

October 31, 2022 It wasn't any fun but had to be done. We had Covid but we sure weren't going to come in contact with any other people and possibly transmit it to them.…

By robrose

Tunisia - Our Travel Plans Have Changed

November 2, 2022 There was a reason for the interruption in posts, the pandemic had finally caught up with us. After isolating for three days, we finally tested negative and mutually decided to forgo the remainder of…

By robrose

I dag har vi folketingsvalg

Og sikke et valg. Der har aldrig været så mange om buddet, og jeg frygter, at vi efter valget får engelske tilstande. Det kan gå fuldstædigt op i hat og briller, når taburetterne efterfølgende skal fordeles. …

By nesega

Trick or Treat Trail

Photo: 'Trick or Treat Trail' Pumpkins White Picket Fence Autumn Tree - Copyright 2018 Frank J Casella All Rights Reserved.…

By fjcasella

The Thirty-First

The last day of each month is usually kept for planning and other such matters that require an administrator's brain rather than a writer's. November will definitely be an extremely busy month for me. I have both…

By Lopamudra Kalipada Bandyopadhyay-Chattopadhyay